Sprite Jam: Extinct species

Started by Blondbraid, Fri 16/11/2018 20:54:36

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Our planet is full of exciting fossils from species long gone, but now you can help bring them to life again in sprite form!
There is plenty of exciting fauna to chose from, ranging from creatures as different as the wingless 3 meter tall Moa birds to Eohippus,
an ancestor to the horse no larger than a terrier, and Synthetoceras, an antelope-like creatures with a Y-shaped horn growing out of their noses,
and plenty of other creatures even weirder, all which are now gone but hopefully not forgotten.

- No size, palette or style limitations.
- It must depict a real creature and feature the name of the species in the description.
- No dinosaurs. I don't want all entries to be different versions of T-rex. (roll)

1st December


I like the theme. (laugh)

I've picked a Sivatherium. ;)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Nice theme. Here's a toolache wallaby:



Here's a Phorusrhacos or terror bird. Although it looks a little bit like a T-Rex with feathers, it's NO dinosaur. (Just to follow the guidelines.;))

And here's an original sized small version of it.


Here is a Rhodonessa caryophyllacea (pink-headed duck).


This suppose to be a Sivatherium... an african girafid thats been extinct for about 8000 years...

Static version:

There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Voting time!
The entries are:

1. The toolache wallaby by Creamy.

2. The Phorusrhacos by Flugeldufel.

3. The Rhodonessa caryophyllacea by morganw.

4. The Sivatherium by Cassiebsg.

Voting ends on December 11th.
Trophies are on the way!


1st: The toolache wallaby by Creamy.

2nd: The Phorusrhacos by Flugeldufel.

3rd: The Rhodonessa caryophyllacea by morganw.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


1st: The Sivatherium by Cassiebsg.

2nd: The Phorusrhacos by Flugeldufel.

3rd: The toolache wallaby by Creamy.
Life is a puzzle, a quest and an adventure


1st: Flugeldufel
2nd: morganw
3rd: Creamy



1. Cassiebsg
2. Creamy
3. morganw


1. punk Phorusrhacos by Flugeldufel.
2. dancing Sivatherium by Cassiebsg.
3. yummy Rhodonessa caryophyllacea by morganw.


Sorry for the delay, here are the results:

First place and the gold trophy goes to Flugeldufel.

Second place and the silver trophy goes to Cassiebsg.

Third place and the bronze trophy goes to Creamy.

Congratulations to all the winners!


Woohoo. Thanks to everyone out there!

Now it's time to polish my golden bone... Wait. What? Nevermind. And I'm going to find a new theme for the next round.


Cool, thanks and congrats Flugeldufel :)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

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