SPRITE JAM. half man, half what? 8th-15th nov

Started by eddie hitler, Wed 08/11/2006 15:04:20

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eddie hitler

you have all heard of the minotaur, you know, half man half bull. your task is to create a sprite that is halfÃ,  man (or woman), half....something else. Must be your own creation.

max size 100x100
max colours 30


eddie hitler


Here we have the Half Man half Pepsi AKA CanMan

He spends most of his time getting drunk

Quote from: Ford Prefect and Arthur Dent
"You'd better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It's unpleasantly like being drunk."

"What's so unpleasant about being drunk?"

"You ask a glass of water."





Lexus - Half girl half hotrod


Mr Frisby - Half man half sprite-jam.
Hey! All my awesome trophies dissapeared in the year since I was here last. CONSARN_IT! with an underscore!!! I earned dem tings!! Oh well. Hope your Monkey floats.


Hmm, you were saying "half-man, half-what"???
Here you are. WHATman

p.s. relax, that was going to happen.


This is my entry - an elfin woman and snail. I would call her elfisnailus.

Here is the better graphic of less 30 colours. Thank you SSH ;)


x2 (this might not be so perfect, looking a bit pixellated but that is what happens when it is resized from small to big and I am unsure of how to make it 'less than 30' as I said in a post down below I am confused with the meaning of 30 colours and so on - I will learn though ;) )

EDIT2: Thank you for your advice Gilbot :) that is much appreciated, I agree it does seem that jpeg does mess up the colour count. I have deleted my original images and am using the fixed up ones that SSH did for me as I don't want to make a new sprite at this stage, as I am happy with the elvinsnailus one and am grateful to SSH for the conversion to less than 30 colours :). I have learnt something new once again. So now this is my formal entry.
Believe in afterlife! It's true in a metamorphical way ;)
Ken & Roberta - my inspiration!! 20 years.
U are what you love doing and passionate about - keep up what you love most.


3119 colours is slightly over the 30 limit... here's a reduced version:



Thanks SSH :) yeah I had realised after I posted, that it may have been over 30 colours but I wasnt too sure what 30 colours really mean - at this stage I am a bit confused by the definition as there are so many graphics that seem to use more than 30 colours (not in this thread tho lol, but elsewhere different sites different places etc), so thanks for fixing that up. Shall that fixed version be included in the competition? Shall I repost as a modified one?
Believe in afterlife! It's true in a metamorphical way ;)
Ken & Roberta - my inspiration!! 20 years.
U are what you love doing and passionate about - keep up what you love most.


Well, especially when you posted your image in JPEG format, which would mess up the colour count anyway even if you originally drew it with no more than 30 colours (due to compression).
I think it's okay to use that colour-reduced image as your entry, but it's your own choice, if you feel like making another sprite which keep with the rules yourself feel free to do so, but then the new sprite would be used as your entry and your former one discarded.


7+1 colors the lion man.


half man, half rhino. a bit messy, 8 colours.

thanks robotriat for palette.  ;D

"It's a fairy! She's naked! Curse these low-res graphics!" - Duty and Beyond


Steel Drummer

I'm composing the music for this game:


oh dear, i'm tempted to bring dickboy back to life... should I, shouldn't I... bugger...

And i've started it....

(edit) and it's done

I am Jean-Pierre.

eddie hitler

 some awesome sprites here  ;D.
There was a wide area network fail, and I have been unable to use the internet,
so that is why I am a bit late. Also, I have had to look after my little bro this week and have not had the chance to prepare trophies, sorry :(.

1st place-Buloght's amazing lion man.
2nd place-Mordalles with his rhino dude.
3rd place-Tocsik.Can man, love it!


Thanks eddie, great topic and fun challenge :), I will start one as soon as possible.

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