Sprite jam (Jan 18th-26th)

Started by Cino, Fri 18/01/2008 10:07:17

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It could be a sailor, a fishing boat captain, crew member of the Flying Dutchman etc. Anything that floats your boat goes... No semen though, please.

No size or color restrictions.

Now get to work, I'm hoping to see a shipfull of entries.


Can it be men living under the sea?


Yes, I don't see why not if it makes your creative juices flowing.


Was that an innuendo?!!?!? Creative JUICES! hahaha
I am Jean-Pierre.


Of course not. Since I'm not a native english speaker, I know nothing of such wordplay ;)
But how about getting some entries in now?


This is Seaman Stanes - warding off any double entendres.
Hey! All my awesome trophies dissapeared in the year since I was here last. CONSARN_IT! with an underscore!!! I earned dem tings!! Oh well. Hope your Monkey floats.




His name's Guybrush Threepwood(Start mocking)
He's 65 years old
Elaine ditched him
Le Chuck can't die
Jack Sparrow is more popular ffs..
Life couldn't suck more.
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)


Finally some competition. Keep them coming, still plenty days left.



Darth Mandarb

My version of Luigi Vampa ... some of you might know who that is.



Quote from: Darth Mandarb on Wed 23/01/2008 03:12:02
My version of Luigi Vampa ... some of you might know who that is.

I didn't know who he was, but now I have looked him and I do, so thats all better.

Hey! All my awesome trophies dissapeared in the year since I was here last. CONSARN_IT! with an underscore!!! I earned dem tings!! Oh well. Hope your Monkey floats.

Rui 'Trovatore' Pires

Not an entry.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you C-Man.

Stands for Colour-Coordinated Man. Judge for yourself.

EDIT - In case it isn't obvious, I used the SuperHero Machine. I did NOT draw this.
Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.

Kneel. Now.

Never throw chicken at a Leprechaun.



Very nice everyone. If anyone else wants to push a late entry in, let me know. If not, I'll probably choose the winner in about 8 hours or so.


I'd love to promise one in the next 7 hours, but it depends on how inspired I'll get. So don't wait for me, but I'll try and make up something.


I have one in the making and will post it in a few hours.

A small question:

Would you consider my last entry (link) a valid sprite, or do I need to separate it further from the background? Just want to make sure, as that last entry wasn't accepted as a proper sprite, and my current one is in that stage atm.
Looking for a writer


Though I would not call it a sprite by definition, I would consider it as a valid entry. So you're very welcome post it.


As the new captain, Tick spent the next days seeking out the best hiding places the ship had to offer, in the event that his command would be called on.
Looking for a writer

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