Sprite Jam: Modern Monster Manual [Winners Announced!]

Started by CaesarCub, Sun 31/07/2016 17:25:43

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Quote from: CaesarCub on Fri 02/09/2016 13:11:37
Yeah, great bonus picture Blondbraid!
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 02/09/2016 12:11:46
Cool, a bonus picture! :-D
Thanks! I thought it would be funny to show her reaction to reaching third place. :)

I do have a bit of trouble adding that lovely trophy to my profile though... :(


Oh? the image is not opening or something? what I did is just the trophies I wont to my imgur account and use that version, but the thingie should work fine...

Here is the url just in case:

Pesky goblin!


Loving it that Blondbraid's mermaid got rid of all those pesky pollutants out of her hair, and the hair itself:

Please tell her that she looks much cooler with the new style as well...

(Just wondering: do you happen to know her Shell-Phone number?)

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