Sprite Jam - Out of Proportion! - Winners Announced

Started by ThreeOhFour, Sat 26/04/2008 01:57:09

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For this week's Sprite Jam, I'm looking for something that is out of proportion with the rest of the image.

What do I mean by this?

I'm looking for something in which one part is far bigger or smaller than the rest of the item/character would suggest. Examples include the following:

-Large man squashed into a tiny car.
-Small ant carrying something enormous.
-Small dwarf using a large weapon.
-Normal person with one rather large hand/other limb.

There are a number of possibilities here, so let your imagination run wild.


- Image is not to exceed a size of 200x200 pixels.
- No more than 64 colours should be used to create the image.

Good luck, and I look forward to seeing some imaginative entries.

There are trophies:

Gold, silver and bronze replicas of nature's own out of proportion wonder-crustacean, the fiddler crab :).


:D Nice and early with a good sprite to start!

Keep em coming people :).



Revenge of the Slug!

Because I didn't feel like drawing a giant pinata attacking a children's party! :)

And you can't quite see it, but the man running has a comically oversized tumor in his brain.


Jumpman! Everyone was doing comdedic stuff, so I tried ti think. How could something disproportionate to the surrounding world NOT be funny?

(Midgets... Giants... A Giant Ear of Corn fallen onto a farmers house...)

Then I looked at an old genesis cver and there was the dude with a massive sword... The rest is history.

I don't have a bigger version, and the 200x200 looks like crap, but I wanted to follow the crowd and show it "up close." So, here is the original line art:

After I finished that, I scaled it down from 1000x1000 to 200x200 and filled it in with some color!
All my trophies have disappeared... FINALLY! I'm free!


I forbid you to use all those copyrighted images of my body!


Quote from: Strange Visitor on Sun 27/04/2008 11:48:56
I forbid you to use all those copyrighted images of my body!
LMAO! I think I pee'd myself.
All my trophies have disappeared... FINALLY! I'm free!


Nice art, save the HAIR.  :o nice reference material too, yum!


I know, right? I can't draw hair so I used the liquify filter in photoshop...
All my trophies have disappeared... FINALLY! I'm free!


"Hold it right there, private!"
"There's something wrong about you, and I will find out what it is!"

Working on a RON game!!!!!


A big crate with a small package of explosives with a big clock.


Nope - just wanted to make sure I didn't announce prematurely.

The Winners:

Winner of the bronze crab trophy, with a rather large slug and a comically oversized tumor is Strange Visitor.

Winner of the silver crab trophy, with a very amusing pair of fellows and a nicely oversized nose is Miguel.

And finally, winner of the golden crab trophy with his amusing depiction of an upset infant is ShonenAiGuy.

Well done to our three trophy winners and a big thankyou to everyone who entered their lovely sprites into the jam.


Thanks Ben,
it's easier to get trophies when you don't participate :)
Congratulations to StrangeVisitor and ShonenAi!
Working on a RON game!!!!!


Yay!  Congrats Shonen and Miguel! :)  I didn't even think I was going to place!

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