Sprite Jam - Strange Food (1/26/ ~ 2/6)

Started by Jakerpot, Tue 26/01/2010 04:29:17

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Hello folks! As Victor6 not started a new comp, i was asked by Arboris to do the job! So here i am...

~~Strange Food~~

Think about this scene:
You are at Greece! Having a drink by the sea... And then, a butler came out of nowhere offering you a strange kind of food...

You must create a sprite of an unusual food, something very weird and wicked. It can be something from the sea or a mix of many kinds of food. Be creative!




They are some kind of mug (i don't know how you americans call it).

Hope to see many entries soon ;) -Bye!


Yay for Goblets!
Hopefully I can get an entry in.
If not, then I hope there are lots of entries to hide it... :P
"But with a ninja on your face, you live longer!"


quick and dirty... low res piccy of a plate of Ghoji Berries, aka Acai, aka Wolfberries I think they call them too. The latest in a long line of nature's superfoods (TM). They contain uber levels of good stuff like amino acids, nitrogen, stuff like that. :)


Crimson Wizard

*Burp* and just after I finished "Downfall"... when I hear "strange food" I see that disturbing image of...... ewww........  :-X


Jim Reed

It's a mushroom on a stick!
The latest invention from the Greek Culinary Institute of Palatible Enjoyment.


Nice one Jim... A mushroom? Or maybe it is a cigarette suport plus a half lemon with some salt in a stick?


Goldfish, maybe you want to make your food bigger? I don't know is so tiny...  :)

EDIT: I updated the deadline  ;)


Only a minor issue but might accidentally prevent some people from entering: the thread title should contain the deadline, not the start of the activity (or both).


"But with a ninja on your face, you live longer!"

Darius Poyer

to define what weird food is you kind of have to take it to a personal level, someone might find hotdogs weird. its mangled meat in some kind of gut sleeve after all.

Darius Poyer


so this one is probably more wierd i suppose, depends on who you are, its a fetus soup.

like this one here. I should add that you probably shouldn't click it if you don't want to see a cooked fetus.


Eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwww, surely more weird, wicked, strage and nasty than hotdogs!


Quote from: Darius Poyer on Wed 27/01/2010 13:34:03
like this one here. I should add that you probably shouldn't click it if you don't want to see a cooked fetus.

Now THAT'S disgusting!


Darius Poyer

Its actually real.

(click at your own risk)

This one

more of it

perhaps it all a ruse, but i don't see why this cant be true.

Crimson Wizard

why I did not look up into dictionary to know what "fetus" is BEFORE I looked in  :'(


Quote from: Darius Poyer on Thu 28/01/2010 16:27:15
But i don't see why this cant be true.

Are you kidding? Cooking babies is normal for you?  :P


These images are on Snopes, under "Fauxtography". Therefore, not real.

Darius Poyer

thanks NsMn, i retract my previous statement.


Quote from: NsMn on Thu 28/01/2010 16:48:04
These images are on Snopes, under "Fauxtography". Therefore, not real.

Thanks God!




I'm currently awaiting something particularly witty or funny to put in here so if someone could promplty say something of such nature to me i would much appreciate it.


Nice! Keep sending entries! It's almost judge day!


There are a few hours left!!! You still have time!!! BRING IT UP!!!

Jim Reed

You don't want me to draw a fetus on a stick.


lol, no, i really don't...  :P

OK! So the winners...

1° Place: Darius Poyer and his disgusting Fetus Soup!
2° Place: Jim Reed and his Mushroom in a Stick!
3º Place: J Maier and his Alien Egg Cup!

Thank you for participating!!
Darius should now host a new Sprite Jam contest!


Darius Poyer

thank you jakerpot, ill try to cook something up.


Don't forget to get your tophies!!!!

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