Sprite Jam (Until 30.6.07): Yesteryear's Sci-fi!

Started by SpacePirateCaine, Sat 23/06/2007 15:40:17

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I seem to be doing a lot of these lately. I mean, I'm not complaining - I'm really happy that people like my work - but it's a bit of a surprise. Either way, though. I have returned, yet again, for another round of the Sprite Jam. I've been not-so-secretly trying to work out the secret to making a successful Sprite Jam topic - Isometrics had a decent turn out, but seemed a little too limiting (or, depending on your outlook) too open-ended. It looks to me like people like the freedom to create, while still having the limitations of a set genre or theme. With this hypothetical knowledge in mind, I have decided to try this theme - though not entirely unlike the previous jam:

Retro Sci-Fi

The Science Fiction of Yesteryear: I'm talking about the old glorified image of the world in the new millennium, as seen by people in the 50's and 60's. Skintight mechanical counter-pressure suits, short skirts, bad haircuts, blinking lights, human-esque robots -- the whole shebang. I want a character out of that sort of continuum. The rules are simple:

The sprite may be no larger than 150x150
The sprite may have a palette of no more than 32 colors.

I think those dimensions give a lot of leeway, while still keeping it relatively lo-res.
For some inspiration, there's always one of my favorite game series, Space Quest, and if you're up for just a good read, check out Atomic Rockets.

Good luck everyone, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Check out MonstroCity! | Level 0 NPCs on YouTube! | Life's far too short to be pessimistic.


Five days left people, c'mon!

Whee, here's my entry:

She kinda resembles a stewardes but don't let that fool you. She's acctually from teh futuor!! Just look at her futuristic knee thingy!

Don't know how many colors but still within the limit, res is 59x130.

EDIT: I hope this is what SPC meant by Retro Sci-Fi. How did the people from the 50s think of the new era - 21st century.


Hehe, I got a bit inspired listening to National Health :D so here's something nice to you. It's been a while since I last drew a sprite, or anything for that matter, and had almost forgotten how fun it was. Go figure. anyway, notice the Barbarella-like hair-do, and the space machine thing that was insppired by the Space Invaders game in Soilent Green

Also, 150x150, and apparently about 15-16 colours, could be 14


Hope you like it. (Enough to make me the winner ;D)

EDIT: fixed the image a bit.


Eh, it's not so great, but here it is: an historic event... my first-ever attempt at hand-drawing a sprite. Smaller than 150x150 and definitely less than 32 colors.

Original Size:

3X Size:

Status: Trying to come up with some ideas...

space boy

78x147, 24 colors




"Scotty, Beam me up!"

21x65 16colors

Edit: LOL, Hope you don't mind FruitTree, but I could not resist.


Zor ground trooper of the Deotian empire!

130x130 12 colours

EDIT - thats fine cobra  ;) he better get beamed up real quick or he's toast! thats what the deotians do with their enemies, they make toast out of them!


From the debts of space... Space Pirate Shtroob



These are all really good. I wish I had l33t sprite skills. :(

Status: Trying to come up with some ideas...


Don't worry, all it takes is practice. for a first sprite, its not bad, very early AGS.
†Å"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.†
The Restroom Wall



it's 1st already. Where be you SPC, I'm shaking in my pants :)


does anyone have SPC on msn or something? or atleast some info as to his whereabouts? or perhas where he was last seen?  :=


Since it is the 4th already and if nobody objects I'd say we just vote a winner.

My vote for space boy. All the other sprites are also very nice.

Alternatively a moderator could decide how we should proceed.

Neil Dnuma

Voting sounds good.

All entries are very good. I vote for Tuomas - I love Barabarella!


If we're voting, no votes for oneselves, and I hope someone will set a limit as to how long the voting is open. Anyway, my vote goes to cobra79 because I can totally see the retro part there. Space_boy did great as well, as I told him already :) and everyone drew nice sprites. Sad there weren't any more sprites than these, the topic really was good and deserved more.

space boy


voting for space boy as the design is retro and very well realized


Krysis for the Earthworm Jim -style likeness.



Lets say... Voting ends in 21 hours from now, 12pm GMT

i k a r i

I vote that Krysis can't vote cause he can't vote himself  :=

And my vote is for Krysis, even though I feel none of the sprites did what SpacePirateCaine wanted. But who am I to say that  ;D
QuoteWell, one think is not liking him, and the other is making humour of the retarder people!
Nacho speaking of Bush.


Voting for Krysis.

Really good sprites by everyone. I wish I could have got myself organised to join in!

space boy


Very sorry everyone for not showing up in the last little while. I didn't realize when I'd started the competition that I might not have access to the internet at the beginning of July. What happened was, I flew to Korea (where I am at the moment) for my girlfriend's birthday, and for a little vacation. During that time, I haven't been connected to the web at all. It's been a refreshing few days, but I realize that people were expecting results to the competition, so I'd like to extend my apologies to everyone involved. As far as the winner is concerned, it looks like people have started voting, which I guess can be used as the decider. For what it's worth, my vote goes toward Space Boy both because he's got the retro sci-fi thing down, but it also reminds me of Archie comics of the day as well.
Check out MonstroCity! | Level 0 NPCs on YouTube! | Life's far too short to be pessimistic.

space boy

What about the voting deadline? Chicky already suggested a time but since you are the host of this competition I guess you should have the last word on that.


Chicky's deadline sounds pretty reasonable to me. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be online around the time it rolls by, however, so I'll let someone else handle it. And in the meanwhilst, very well done, everybody! I really dig what you all came up with.
Check out MonstroCity! | Level 0 NPCs on YouTube! | Life's far too short to be pessimistic.

Indie Boy

I vote space boy. I love all the entries though, great topic ;D
I won't use this login.
Try IndieBoy instead

space boy

I guess it's time to announce the winner. And since nobody did that yet...



*space boy makes himself announcer*

And the winner is..... *insert suspense here* Krysis!

Congratulations mate!

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