Started by Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens, Sat 18/04/2009 20:26:26

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Jimmy "Eagle-Eye" Bernstein!

He's the real reason, why Hermann Squarejaw lost his right eye last summer. Good thing, that he won't admit that in public and tells everyone the "bar brawl"-story. :D

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Brilliant!  And I already have something special planned for the winner, Caine :).


Son of the nurse, very odd freak who dresses up as a bunny (mostly because he hates his own outlook - he has problems with skin, teeth and he tends to be ill most of the time).
Mostly harmless but when you try to make fun of him better watch out! He can go into nerdish-rage!
He carries his camp uniform with him so nobody can scream at him that he doesnt have it :)

His mother tends to be overprotective and seems to ignore that he's dressing up as an animal :)

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

I forgot to mention, since there's so much activity I'd prefer it if everyone limited themselves to a single character.  This will leave room for other people to come up with something creative (and make it a bit easier on me as well!).  Thanks, and keep them coming!


I really enjoyed this activity. I felt really invested in my character, but it could be because I just watched Ghost World.

June Summers
Hates Everyone

June comes from a wealthy family, but loathes her parents. She was thrilled when she learned that her parents could be skiing in Switzerland for the next 8 weeks. Unfortunately for her, they dumped her off at camp on their way to the airport. Angry and sarcastic, people find it hard to be friendly with June. But that doesn't bother her! She's perfectly happy with everyone leaving her alone. Lucky for her, her cynical attitude gets her out of most of the required camp activities.


Ah nuts I was thinking of doing another one.  Seems like theres still a lot of room for black or asian kids.  A slightly smaller version of Yao Ming would be wicked.   :o


Sjeesh, SPC's group picture is getting rather big. You'll have plenty of options to choose from this time, ProgZmax.
Concept shooter. Demo version 1.05


Hey this is fun. I stuck pretty close to the original, maybe a bit too close. All original though. :)

Billy the Fiddler. Name says it all really. Always walks around with his hands in his pocket, playing a fun game of pocket pool. All the girls are scared of him, all the boys make fun of his problem. Distant, forced nonchalant look to distract people from his secret pleasure.
I am Jean-Pierre.


Quote from: Green Boy on Mon 20/04/2009 06:35:16
Seems like theres still a lot of room for black or asian kids.

Yeah. Haha. Starting to look a bit Hitler-youth.  ;D


Since everybody wears mike's uniform I propose the next competition is about the rival camp.

Tis a fun competition indeed, I see if I'll enter. I just have to think of yet another original character..


Quote from: Arboris on Mon 20/04/2009 10:21:23
Sjeesh, SPC's group picture is getting rather big. You'll have plenty of options to choose from this time, ProgZmax.

Oh, I didn't see the group picture was updated. Nice!


How did you guys do the same font? It's all I need to do now.
Currently working on "My Neighbour is a Serial Killer"
with a certain friend of mine called Geork.


Quote from: Cryxo on Mon 20/04/2009 12:13:39
How did you guys do the same font? It's all I need to do now.

Pixel-by-pixel for me.

Although it was late and I wasn't thinking straight. I should have thought: "surely there's a font for this somewhere?" :P


I just used a font called smallfont and changed a few things to make it slightly more readable.

It's a raster font, not a TTF or that new format they have now. Think it should come with Windows.
I am Jean-Pierre.


Hmm, I can't find it.
Currently working on "My Neighbour is a Serial Killer"
with a certain friend of mine called Geork.


This is similar.


Loads of bitmap fonts there. Most with royalty free license too.
I am Jean-Pierre.


Quote from: Hudders on Mon 20/04/2009 12:16:01
Quote from: Cryxo on Mon 20/04/2009 12:13:39
How did you guys do the same font? It's all I need to do now.

Pixel-by-pixel for me.

Same here ;) Real men don't need Fonts
Concept shooter. Demo version 1.05


Me too. I pixeled it, based on the letters people before me used.

Some letters were missing, but I just slapped together some pixels.


Thanks for the font  ;D

It's my first ever piece of pixel art, and I'm very happy of how it turned out.
Jimmy Paradox - Wannabe Paranormal Investigator (Couldn't fit it all in the image).
Currently working on "My Neighbour is a Serial Killer"
with a certain friend of mine called Geork.


Quote from: Arboris on Mon 20/04/2009 12:48:21
Quote from: Hudders on Mon 20/04/2009 12:16:01
Quote from: Cryxo on Mon 20/04/2009 12:13:39
How did you guys do the same font? It's all I need to do now.

Pixel-by-pixel for me.

Same here ;) Real men don't need Fonts
Smartarses need no fonts too. I just copied every letter I needed from other people's entries =)

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