The Great Exhibition - Sprite Jam *Winner Announced*

Started by Ali, Sun 03/09/2006 11:59:44

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Theme: The Great Exhibition
Enties should be a character, an object or an inventory item that might have been found at The Great Exhibition of 1851: Fine ladies, Victorian inventions, ragamuffin pickpockets, etc. Take your inspiration from any aspect of the 19th century, an age of upright gentlemen, workhouses, spiritualism and industry.

Maximum 150x150 pixels, minimum 30x30.
No colour limit, but feel free to apply your own.
Historical accuracy of little-to-no importance.


Not very inventive perhaps but here is as typical 1851 exhbition visitor of the adult male variety.

finally some competition!  ;)



It's a safety pin.
It was invented in 1849 by Walter Hunt. And there is quite humoristic discovering story behinde it. Walter was indebted and so he needed money to pay old depts. Then he had a piece of wire and he invented the safety pin.

7 colours


My first sprite jam entry.

The Irish lord.

EDIT: After reviewing the competition, i decided to reduce the color depth of my Irishman and give him a transparent layer.

Wanted to give him a 'fighting' chance.

Here it is! Enjoy!

A huggamatron trophy!


Currently working on a project!


8 + 1 colours. It's the What-does-that-do?-gentleman . Can't have exhibition without those. Playing around with a different style :).




i had to do one too.  ;D

"It's a fairy! She's naked! Curse these low-res graphics!" - Duty and Beyond

Neil Dnuma

Some inventions were just ignored.

PS: Mr. Buloght and Mordalles, those are great sprites!


How dare you steal my style ... grrr.

PS. Neil Dnuma, that is a great sprite.


Wow  :o here I was worried that no one else was going to enter to give me a challenge then BAM i get blown away by some great entries.


Hey! All my awesome trophies dissapeared in the year since I was here last. CONSARN_IT! with an underscore!!! I earned dem tings!! Oh well. Hope your Monkey floats.


Thanks for the entries, I enjoyed them all. Since exhibition was all about invention, I made my decision based on how inventive I felt the style or subject matter was.

Here are my top three:

Third: Mister Frisby

Second: Neil Dnuma

First: Sir Buloght

I'm afraid there are no trophies, I didn't have time. Feel free to make your own out of bottle caps and bubblegum. Congratulations to Messrs Frisby & Dnuma, Sir Buloght and to everyone else!



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