The Pic Remake Ball 20/5/6-31/5/6

Started by PsychicHeart, Sat 20/05/2006 09:10:41

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This is the first of what i hope will be a monthly competition.
What in Cuppit's sake is The Pic Remake Ball??
Every month, aÃ,  picture is supplied. A general theme is given,
although the entries don't HAVE to conform, the theme is a suggestion.
After the course of a week and three days, entrants remake the picture to their own wack ideas, or to the theme. They can use the original pic and photoshop it or create it afresh.
Whoever is hosting the comp decides which entry wins, and the winner recieves the right to host the next month's comp, and a funkay trophy for their signature.
Why should i enter this competition
If you're so much of a bitch you have to ask what you'll gain from this comp, you shouldn't enter.
Shuddup and lesh do dish alweddy
Okay folks, this month's theme is Futuristic.
Which is why i've decided to make the first pic Mona Lisa. It'll be a fantastic example
of new and old.

Do what you wish, you do not have to be restricted by the theme!!
Good luck and get those entries in quick.
Formerly known as Flukeblake, Flukezy etc.


Has this been aproved by the moderators?

EDIT: Ok then, it has been approved.


Well, i have put it forward in the General Board, i didn't think i had to get mod "approval", i just thought you had to get an alright response to your idea?
Formerly known as Flukeblake, Flukezy etc.


It's your gig, but unless entries are meant to be drawn from scratch, might I suggest a slightly higher-quality pic? Like this one?


That..That's a great one!!
Okay, i hereby announce that the pic TheYak has supplied be used as the comp pic.
Now go!
Formerly known as Flukeblake, Flukezy etc.


So they're supposed to be binary images, then? And are we supposed to keep the same pixel positions, or can we remake the image with changes to the original shape? What color depth and resolution restrictions are there? Why doesn't the comp have a funky name, like Sprite Jam and Background Blitz?


Not a bad idea, Flukeblake, but it's nothing new actually.

Hmm.., is that line art done by you, or have you just resized/edited the original one in some gfx program? I bet the second option. No offence, but these outlines are horrible! We shouldn't have to change them, they should be precise and made by YOU, pixel by pixel.

edit: Shit, he has just deleted it.

TheYak has posted only an example. You can't work on it, because it's compressed. Try.
a.k.a. johnnyspade


Quote from: ildu on Sat 20/05/2006 09:58:45
And are we supposed to keep the same pixel positions, or can we remake the image with changes to the original shape?
Yes, you can, but not too conspicuos, just slight.

Quote from: ildu on Sat 20/05/2006 09:58:45What color depth and resolution restrictions are there?
Whatever you wish.
Quote from: ildu on Sat 20/05/2006 09:58:45
Why doesn't the comp have a funky name, like Sprite Jam and Background Blitz?
How does "Coloring Ball" sound?
Quote from: Skurwy on Sat 20/05/2006 10:05:02
We shouldn't have to change them, they should be precise and made by YOU, pixel by pixel.
Will do, expect a pixelly, cartoony ML in a few days.

And finally, because of the kefuffle of this beginning, i am extending it to the 31st.
Formerly known as Flukeblake, Flukezy etc.


a.k.a. johnnyspade


Formerly known as Flukeblake, Flukezy etc.


Okay, my PhotoFiltre drawn Mona Lisa is complete.
It's in the first post.
I know it sucks ass. That's the point.
Color it to your liking.
Formerly known as Flukeblake, Flukezy etc.


You didn't understand me, Flukeblake.

I meant the lineart should be pixelated, not just drawn with use of filters with an automatic AA. An example / tutorial.

I don't want to be rude, but you shouldn't be in a hurry. If I were you, I would place some of my works (or at least the one I wanted to use) into the General Discussion and talk over the whole thing first (there were only 5 answers). Oh, and of course, I would read a few tutorials how to draw the pixel art before staring a competition. Simply put, it won't success, unfortunately.

edit: If you still don't know of what I'm saying, try using the fill tool (e. g. in Paint) on your image.
a.k.a. johnnyspade


I still don't get it. Is the image supposed to be lineart or actually shapes? Is the image supposed to be binary, with only black and white colors and no gray levels? How is it possible to convey a 70's style with only colors, unless doing a modern Warhol piece?

I propose the comp is changed to a 'remake comp' where an existing image, be it done by the host or not, is remade with whatever changes everyone wants. And the best remake that fits a 'remake theme', wins.


ildu, good idea! It's much more fun than coloring.  ;D



Paper Carnival

I can so see secret messages in the picture that somehow reveal us the secret behind L Ron Hubbard.

I still don't understand it, are we supposed to redraw it completely or are we supposed to just colour it?


Quote from: Helm on Sat 20/05/2006 14:38:11

Lazur wins 10 years ago.

I wonder why he called her the fallen.

In those days, one of the best graphic artists in the Polish scene.

a.k.a. johnnyspade


Quote from: Guybrush Peepwood on Sat 20/05/2006 14:47:55
I can so see secret messages in the picture that somehow reveal us the secret behind L Ron Hubbard.

I still don't understand it, are we supposed to redraw it completely or are we supposed to just colour it?

Oh Guybrush you noob... A simple 'Invert' in Photoshop...

~The more adventures I go on, the more sand I get in my shoes


After thinking it over, i find i support ildu's idea completely!
Take  a shoddy, perhaps over-pixellated, and not-so-greatly drawn pic, and re-draw it to the theme!
All in favour of changing the comp,name and so on?
Formerly known as Flukeblake, Flukezy etc.


Not a bad idea Fluke, but maybe you should have thought it out more. I just read some of the posts, and most people are confused and aggravated.

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