Tune Contest 25/4 to 8/5: Adventure

Started by Bror_Jon, Mon 25/04/2011 09:59:22

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Any genre, tempo or instruments are allowed, as long as you get that adventurey feel.

The comp ends on the 8:th!
Quote from: monkey_05_06
I officially love you good sir, Always and Eternally.

Mouth for war

Well well Jon_swe....you beat me in the horror contest....you bastard ;) But I might as well contribute something to this contest as well :D here it is

mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer


Mouth for war, seriously, that melody is freaking awesome.  ;D
Very good stuff, calm, nice and of course adventurey.
Quote from: monkey_05_06
I officially love you good sir, Always and Eternally.

Mouth for war

mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer


Come on guys! Only a few days left! More tunes  plz!  :'(
Quote from: monkey_05_06
I officially love you good sir, Always and Eternally.


I really love that song, very adventurey outro type thing to it.


Well, I do not seem to have any other choice, but to declare Mouth of War the winner by default.
Quote from: monkey_05_06
I officially love you good sir, Always and Eternally.

Mouth for war

Yeah I guess so...* YEEEY :D* I was looking forward to more tunes though... :(  so...how does it work...do I get to start a new thread and set the rules for the next contest then?
mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer



1: Name the thread Tune Contest x/x to x/x: "The theme"
2: Write the conditions for the comp.
3: ??????
4: Profit!
Quote from: monkey_05_06
I officially love you good sir, Always and Eternally.

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