Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots - STEAMED!

Started by CaptainD, Fri 29/12/2017 08:30:19

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After a very long time, it's now available to wishlist on Steam!

Captain Disaster takes a job delivering a package from Acturus-1 to Proboscis Major - not realising that he is actually transporting something that will put the entire galaxy in danger!  Though just getting the package in the first place is quite a challenge in itself...

Quoteif  you are in the mood for a good old school point and click this is a hard game to pass up. (NeoRetro GO! review)

Our intrepid nitwit investigates interesting peculiar people, puzzling places and panicky problems along the way to saving the day, once he finally realises that something is wrong.  Expect lots of laughs and head-scratching dilemmas before you reach the shocking conclusion and find out what all this "Million Stomping Boots" business is actually about!

Game Details:

- Classic point-and-click adventure gaming action with a few new twists
- Retro 320x200 resolution graphics
- Fully voiced
- Epic music score
- Plenty of puzzles
- Plenty of adventure
- Plenty of comedy

Available now on Itch, FireFlower Games and GameJolt


I'd like to thank the AGS community for all their support over the (just slightly long!) development process - it's been a difficult process at times and your encouragement has really helped keep me going. 

Also without TheBitPriest's amazing dedication to the project it would never have got completed.  Thanks buddy!

I've put the game page up now -


Congratulations! Finally it is done - I know how hard you have been working on this, with ups and downs, but you did it! I had the honour to test act 1 and 2 and the game is really great - classic puzzles, funny dialogs and hilarious references to almost every science fiction franchise between here and Acturus-1.

Don't forget to add the game to the AGS database Done :)


Congrats Dave! Finally man, I need the dose of Captain Disaster!


Excellent news indeed! Well done Captain, great job! :D What an awesome end-of-the-year gift that is!


YES! So happy to see this released at last :) Also extremely glad to have been part of the journey!
Cheers to you, cheers to the Captain! :D
"We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."

Amayirot Akago

Thanks for asking me to do the VA, it was a lot of fun :D Hopefully I'll get around to playing it sometime soon.
Quote from: CaptainDMy suspicion is that an accident, probably caused by a lightning storm and a mad professor, resulted in Amayirot's brain becoming inextricably linked to the databases behind MobyGames and LemonAmiga.



Thanks all! As I said on the GIP thread, it was a wild ride.

Some day, we'll write up a good post-mortem. We had at least as much drama in our real lives as the game itself!


Congratulations! Bought it as a birthday present for myself, so thanks for the well-chosen release date :)
This also makes it the first and only game I've ever purchased on day one.


Congratulations dude.
I'm really proud of being part of your project . I wish you every success.

Currently working on a project!


Two Tales

Yay! After half a decade of development it's here!! I've followed this for so long it would feel like a crime to not play it.


It's really lovely to see so much support for the game!  We both really appreciate it.  Hobo - I feel honoured that CD is your very first "1st day purchase"! ;-D

Amayirot and SinSin did some really terrific voice work for the game, it wouldn't be the same without their input.

Thanks Arj0n and Blondbraid!

@Two Tales - well you wouldn't want to be guilty of a crime now, would you? :-D


Congratulations on the release!  This is one game I've been interested in for a while now.  Glad to see it out in the world!


Good show! Glad to see another big project come to a successful close! :)
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Congrats! Do I need to play the first Cpt. Disaster game first?


Congratulations on getting this out at last! Here's hoping you make a million in the first 48 hours and can retire to Hawaii. :)


Quote from: Snarky on Fri 29/12/2017 23:22:06
Congrats! Do I need to play the first Cpt. Disaster game first?

In a way, this is the first Captain Disaster game. It just took a little longer! There's one reference to The Dark Side of the Moon in Act 3 (maybe two).

You should give The Dark Side of the Moon a spin. It's clever, but there's no need to play it first.


You spelled 'haberdashery' wrong.
Do I qualify for a QA credit and a free copy?
Still waiting for Purity of the Surf II

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