
Started by arj0n, Sun 23/05/2021 17:31:17

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>download for Windows & Linux<

'Desolate' takes place in the distant
future. A time when long distance space
travel is possible and frequent...

You must escape the derelict space craft.

On the way you will have to overcome
various challenges and obstacles
throughout over 70 rooms.

Your struggle for survival is escalated
by your need to figure out two things:
What happened to the ship, and who 'you' are...

Desolate is a top-down perspective
adventure game with arcade and puzzle
elements  served in a hybrid TI83-Game
Boy monochrome green palette.

Or in short, a spaceship crawler.

This is an official port of the original
game made in 2004 by Patrick 'tr1p1ea'
Prendergast for the TI-83 & TI-83+(SE)

Specific action-keys per key set:

Key-set 1Key-set 2
Walkup, down,
left, right
arrow keys
Fire gunzq
Open inventorytabf

General shortcut-keys:

Redefine action keysF2
Switch between Fullscreen
& Windowed mode
Save gameF5
Restore (load) gameF7
Restart gameF9
Make screenshotF12
Close popup screensESC
Show room numberCTRL-R
Show game versionCTRL-V

Hope you'll enjoy Desolate

Version update history:

v1.2 fixes:

  • music was still audible when set to 0.
  • pressing ESC during splash logo crashed the game
  • character movement is again set faster
v1.1 fixes:

  • removed testing message "doorcode vis so do nothing when pressed Return" which was shown when trying to open a door without using a code.
  • character movement is now slightly faster
  • When binding the letter 'y' in the redefine-keys-screen, the letter 'y' could not be used anymore for confirmations on questions like "are you sure you want to quit"


Excellent, congratulations on the release!  ;-D

The beta was so much fun to playtest, such a cool crawler!


Congrats on the release.

I tried it: got some key codes, found a weapon. The monsters are managable so far.

However, I'm starting to feel completely lost.  Admittedly, I don't a have a great sense of orientation. But I don't think I'll be able to handle all these similar rooms without any color. Is there a minimap somewhere?


Quote from: Creamy on Wed 26/05/2021 21:37:12
However, I'm starting to feel completely lost.  Admittedly, I don't a have a great sense of orientation. But I don't think I'll be able to handle all these similar rooms without any color. Is there a minimap somewhere?

No map. But here's a hint.
The map is laid out on a grid. If you try to map it, you will soon see that Room 2 lies to the right of room 1. And since the first thing you do is to walk down, you will see right away how wide the grid is. Once you know that, you will know where you are on the ship when you look at the room number. I still recommend mapping, because of the door system.


Quote from: CrashPL on Mon 24/05/2021 09:04:45
Excellent, congratulations on the release!  ;-D

The beta was so much fun to playtest, such a cool crawler!
Thank you, and good to see you enjoyed the testrides  ;-D

Quote from: Creamy on Wed 26/05/2021 21:37:12
Congrats on the release.

I tried it: got some key codes, found a weapon. The monsters are managable so far.

However, I'm starting to feel completely lost.  Admittedly, I don't a have a great sense of orientation. But I don't think I'll be able to handle all these similar rooms without any color. Is there a minimap somewhere?
As Heltenjohn said, there's no minimap in the current game.
But, since some people get lost easily in a crawler game like this, the next upcoming v1.3 will feature a minimap :)

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