Downfall (2009) - now FREE

Started by Grim, Thu 14/05/2009 13:37:15

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Not sure would have to look atthe code really?


Just to say; I found out that in the doctor's room, when you hover the cursor around the books, the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy stands out as "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galax
It stops like that without the speech marks closed.
I know that it's not a biggy.

I'll continue to add details of bugs etc... if I encounter them.

Just to say, this game is absolutely awesome  ;D
I love the atmospere. I do not want to play this at night... very scary.
Currently working on "My Neighbour is a Serial Killer"
with a certain friend of mine called Geork.


Quote from: Grim Reaper on Tue 26/05/2009 12:39:52
Any of you know what could be causing the inventory bar problem? I'm working on the update and I'd really like to fix that for version 1.3. Clicking on the arrow makes inv items interactive again... But after loading the saved game the inv bar is unresponsive. Any ideas?

Not really, but it should be an easy problem to solve once one can see the script beneat it.
I found this bug quite annoying while playing the game, so I'm glad if I can help: PM if you're interested!


Quote from: bicilotti on Tue 26/05/2009 18:49:08
Quote from: Grim Reaper on Tue 26/05/2009 12:39:52
Any of you know what could be causing the inventory bar problem? I'm working on the update and I'd really like to fix that for version 1.3. Clicking on the arrow makes inv items interactive again... But after loading the saved game the inv bar is unresponsive. Any ideas?

Not really, but it should be an easy problem to solve once one can see the script beneat it.
I found this bug quite annoying while playing the game, so I'm glad if I can help.

I exported GUI, it's only 22 kb. Download it here and see if you can find what's causing this( I hope this is where the problem is hiding). Thanks!


I have to say, congratulations on making this game.
It seems like you have had a pretty tough time, judging from the morals of the game...

I loved it a lot. For me, it was very provocative.

For those who are considering of buying Downfall, please do not let the reports of bugs put you off.
Currently working on "My Neighbour is a Serial Killer"
with a certain friend of mine called Geork.


Quote from: Grim Reaper on Wed 27/05/2009 11:08:24
Quote from: bicilotti on Tue 26/05/2009 18:49:08
Quote from: Grim Reaper on Tue 26/05/2009 12:39:52
Any of you know what could be causing the inventory bar problem? I'm working on the update and I'd really like to fix that for version 1.3. Clicking on the arrow makes inv items interactive again... But after loading the saved game the inv bar is unresponsive. Any ideas?

Not really, but it should be an easy problem to solve once one can see the script beneat it.
I found this bug quite annoying while playing the game, so I'm glad if I can help.

I exported GUI, it's only 22 kb. Download it here and see if you can find what's causing this( I hope this is where the problem is hiding). Thanks!

Sorry, with the bare GUIs I wasn't even able to reproduce it.

Kitty Trouble

1 GB memory?? So it won't play on my computer with 256 MB of RAM? (I have a 256 MB graphics card as well)


Quote from: chaosgodkarl on Sat 30/05/2009 05:33:57
1 GB memory?? So it won't play on my computer with 256 MB of RAM? (I have a 256 MB graphics card as well)

It most likely will work on your pc. Just some animations might be a bit slower- at times there are full screen animated sprites, as every cutscene is done in the in-game engine.


Right. The new version of Downfall is finished. Bugs eliminated (at least most of them), fonts changed and typos corrected. It's not up on D2D yet but I've uploaded it already to their server (they haven't updated it yet because I think they don't work over the weekend). If you see it says Downfall ver.1.4 on the bottom of D2D page it means it's done already.

All those who have bought Downfall already and would like to receive free version 1.4 please PM me.

Also I'd like to thank Randy Sluganski from JustAdventure+ for correcting the text.


I believe Remy could just as well announce it himself, but... for anybody interested in the game (I know I am!), we just published an interview about Downfall with Mr. Michalski over at our blog.

He was so kind as to allow us to put up some exclusive pieces of artwork from the game's development, as well, so there's plenty of those available with the interview as well. It's definitely interesting to see how, in this case, a piece of concept art eventually becomes a full-fledged in-game background.

*Edit: Changed link - thanks for spotting that auriond! Really sorry about that.
The Slowdown - A video game blog for those who spend more time thinking about gaming than gaming


The link is off by one day - the direct link to the interview is :)

Very interesting, reading now.


An absolutely brilliant read!

Downfall is a unique, one of a kind game. I am looking forward to your next game  ;D
Currently working on "My Neighbour is a Serial Killer"
with a certain friend of mine called Geork.


Thanks guys!

One quick question though- should Downfall appear at the Games Main Page and if so, how do you post it there? I'm not sure if commercial games apply...


Only played the beginning of the complete game but so far:
Great game, really nice art work and it does have a great atmosphere!

I think Downfall should appear at the Games Main Page because I've been looking there already for the demo...
You can place your game there the way Kinanev's Cosmos Quest III: The Mines of Isagor has been placed there.


I hope this does not sound like I'm beating Downfall to death (spamming the AGS forums in the process), but we finally got our review of the game published as well. It's available here.

Since this is a relatively new venture for us I'd be especially interested in hearing how players who already played and/or finished the game feel about our treatment of the game overall. :)
The Slowdown - A video game blog for those who spend more time thinking about gaming than gaming



I've got 2 questions:

While playing, is it possible to let the save/load/quit menu disappear and appear when I want so?

The tool tip for hotspots (like doors or whatever) at the most right part of the screen will only be partially readable, most of the tool tip's content continues "besides the screen".
So while looking at the hotspot "Room nr. X", only "Roo" will be readable.
It seems that the tooltip is aligned from left to right, which is normally,  but at the right part of the screen it might be aligned from right to left in order to show the whole tool tip content.

Or is this solvable by changing a setting in the setup?
I now use 640x480 full screen, no graphics filter, 85 Hz display checked and smooth scaled sprites checked.

Thanx allready.



InventoryBarBug still exists?:

When loading a saved game in v1.4, it happened that the inventory items where inactive.
After quiting the game and restarting it plus reloading the same saved game the problem was there again

So far I know, the only way to get those items selectable was by clicking on the arrow to the left or the right in the inventory bar, then the items became selective/active again.

The saved game location was in the 1st floor corridor.

This problem happened only once until now...

Second thing is the response you get after combining an inventory item on a hotspot:
For example: when I use my room 101 key on the kitchen door of the dining room, the response is:
"I can't use the room 101 key with the"
The second time I do that, the response is:
"I can't use the room 101 key with the kitchen door"

Then, after taking a few steps in the same room, and then select the key and use it again at the same door,
the response is again "I can't use the room 101 key with the".
But after using the key again (without doing something else) at the door the response is
"I can't use the room 101 key with the kitchen door".

This error occurs on almost any hotspot combined with an inventory item.
typo's found (I think):
When getting the key from Doctor Z, he says: "take this is the key to the cellar"
Should that be something like: "take this, it's the key to the cellar"

When in the room "where she died", rightclicking on the diary says "this dairy belonged to Sophie".
After that you can start reading it. Halfway it says "dear dairy, I cut my wrists today".
Both times it should be diary in stead of dairy...

Looking at the dead Sophia sitting on the toilet gives as response:
"The pills she'd taken probably coused some painful daorhea"
that should be:
"The pills she'd taken probably coused some painful diarrhea" [American writing style]
"The pills she'd taken probably coused some painful diarrhoea" [British/Europe writing style]

when using something like for example the saw on the still living Sophie in de room where she died the response is a bit off: "can't use the saw with the sophie"
better should be something like: "can't use the saw on sophie"

In the room where she was rejected:
There is a dish and a jug on the table. When lifting the dish there's a head on the plate.
But the dish has been placed over the jug and for now I don't know if I need that jug later in the game.
Also, that's a mistake of labeling a hotspot I guess, when the dish is placed over the jug the dish is called human head in stead of dish...


After being buried above the two dead persons, I'm with Agnes in a room.
When clicking on the window
The game crashed, seems to be a scripting error:

Crash info:

An error has occurred. please contact the game author for support, as this
is likely to be a scripting error and not a bug in AGS.
(ACI version 2.72.920)

in Global script (line 554)

Error: FollowCharacterEx: you cannot tell the player character to follow a character in another room



Wow, ArjOn.... I don't know what to say to you. Maybe I'll answer your 2 questions first.
Quote from: [ Arj0n ] on Thu 11/06/2009 13:07:35

While playing, is it possible to let the save/load/quit menu disappear and appear when I want so?

The tool tip for hotspots (like doors or whatever) at the most right part of the screen will only be partially readable, most of the tool tip's content continues "besides the screen".
So while looking at the hotspot "Room nr. X", only "Roo" will be readable.
It seems that the tooltip is aligned from left to right, which is normally,  but at the right part of the screen it might be aligned from right to left in order to show the whole tool tip content.

Or is this solvable by changing a setting in the setup?
I now use 640x480 full screen, no graphics filter, 85 Hz display checked and smooth scaled sprites checked.


2.No. I don't know why it bothers you so much, though, as there is only very few of these in the game and they don't do anything. I admit I should've solved that. I just didn't know how.

As to other things you mention- thanks for finding them typos for me:) Even after the text correction some have still slipped through the net... There's just so much bleedin' text in this game!!! lol I promise to pay more attention to this problem in the future.
Yes, the Inventory Bug is still there. It's not much of a problem though. I hope.... Still, all it takes is to click on that arrow:)

That last bug you mention is most serious... I can't quite get why it happens. I tested and tested and tested and it didn't come up for me, but I had one more report of game crashing in Agnes' room. Apologize for that.

Overall, I hope that you also menaged to enjoy Downfall a tiny little bit and didn't get too frustrated with bugs? I'm not great with scripting, I must admit. But while technically Downfall is far from perfect, I hope you will appreciate it as a bigger picture  and maybe you'd like to be a beta-tester for my next project? You seem to have a sharp eye for details, ArjOn.


Just to let you know: We made a review for the game, one week ago.

It's german, but maybe you might use an online translator.

70 % seems to be not very much, but don't forget, that it has to be compared with current full price games, so it isn't that bad.

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