Grandad and The Quest for The Holey Vest

Started by arj0n, Wed 11/01/2023 16:46:32

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Grandad and The Quest for The Holey Vest

Download: Windows 3.5mb | Linux 6.5mb

  • Note: savegames from previous versions should be compatible with v1.0.2.
  • v1.0.2 changed: redraw hotspot area for magazines, making them easier to find
    (in the original game this 'hotspot' was quite small, so I improved it as I noticed several people were having a hard time finding it)
  • v1.0.1 fixed: final score not correctly displayed in endscene

Grandad, who is rather old, has a habit of placing things in strange places and then forget where he has put them. One morning he wakes up and discovers
that there is a bit of a nip in the air. He decides that he'll need to put on his string vest but he can't remember where it is. You have to help grandad find it.
Guide grandad around his house, gather items, talk to people, solve puzzles and unlock doors while also trying to avoid certain deadly situations...

Grandad and The Quest for The Holey Vest  was originally released in 1992, only for the Atari ST.
This remake is freeware and available for Windows and Linux.

Differences from the original:
  • Point 'n Click mouse system instead of the original game's keyboard-only system
  • Graphical inventory items instead of the original game's text-only list
  • No more dead-ends (the original Atari ST game had a few)
  • Extra animations and many extra responses
  • No time limit anymore because grandads wheelchair's battery now can't run empty anymore (in the original game the player had to find and use a spare battery before the wheelchair's battery ran empty, otherwise it was game-over)

A HUGE thank you to the testers: Nahuel & Wiggy, they did an essential and amazing job!  :-*


It's a very funny game and I recommend it to play it to have fun! And of course an AMAZING job from @arj0n artwork and coding exceptional!! ;-D
Life isn't a game. Let's develop a life-like-game.


What he said. This is a splendid remake of a very challenging game, and lots of fun. I'll see you all in the hints forum ;)


I remember having this on the ST more years ago than I care to remember!   ;-D


Hi!, thank you very much for this remake, it looks fantastic, great job.

I would like to know if there is any walkthrough in text (not video), I was looking for it but I did not find any.


Quote from: roioros86 on Thu 12/01/2023 16:26:06Hi!, thank you very much for this remake, it looks fantastic, great job.

I would like to know if there is any walkthrough in text (not video), I was looking for it but I did not find any.
Thank you, hope you will enjoy it!

A walkthrough for the original game can be found but the remake has some differences so some parts of the walkthrough won't work. There's no walkthrough available yet for this remake.

If any questions, you can always open a thread in the hints and tips section on this forum.


Hi arj0n!

Thanks, yes sure, if i need help, i will ask  :wink:


I've been playing this game over the past 2 nights I'm wondering if I have to change something in the setup to get the sound or is there no sound in the game?


Quote from: Shadow1000 on Fri 13/01/2023 15:02:57I've been playing this game over the past 2 nights I'm wondering if I have to change something in the setup to get the sound or is there no sound in the game?

This remake features no music or sfx, same the original Atari ST version...


Quote from: arj0n on Fri 13/01/2023 15:25:10
Quote from: Shadow1000 on Fri 13/01/2023 15:02:57I've been playing this game over the past 2 nights I'm wondering if I have to change something in the setup to get the sound or is there no sound in the game?

This remake features no music or sfx, same the original Atari ST version...

I actually was unaware of the Atari game till this remake was released. Thanks, and I'll keep playing!


Wow, I had an Atari back in the day but never knew this game even existed!  The remake looks awesome, I can't wait to try it out.  Loving the graphics looks like Grandpa lives in an actual house rather than a dungeon...   :=

About how long is the game, would you say? 


Back in 1992 the Atari ST version was a shareware game. You could play the first part for free but in order to open the grate to the catacombs a security code was required. You had to buy that  code which you would recieve by snailmail.
In this remake this code can be found somewhere, but grandad obviously has forgotten where...

As for the game length, it's a full length game and I think you might be able to beat it an hour or 2. Unless you get stuck on a puzzle. If so, there's a hints and tips thread for this remake :) 


Have never seen the Atari game, but played through this one. It was really good and very funny! Thank you for giving us back a lot of good old games, appreciated.


Hey well done! You've played it through in record time without help! I am very impressed.


Was in parts a bit difficult (catacombs), but I played Colossal Caves, of course. I got a bit stuck in a few places
forgot to look behind the doors in two places
but with a little persistence and carefully exploring everything, it was possible to play through.

I think I must install an Atari emulator...


No need to have an Atari emulator with Arj0n around. He is on a quest to revive old games to give modern players the sense of what it was like 30 years ago. IMO he's doing great - and I know there's more to come. Once again well done, and I'm glad you enjoyed the experience. I, for one, found this game hard, please give it a rating. Best wishes, Wiggy.


After meeting a deadline at work, is was great to finally unwind with a long game. So I played this one tonight. Despite owning an Atari ST way back, I've never played or even heard of this game before.

My experience was a wee bit mixed, but the game is absolutely worth playing. First of all, the remake is stunning! The game looks great and runs smoothly. I appreciate that it's been made a wee bit easier in parts, plus implementing the point and click interface. Dead ends and time limits <shudder> So my compliments to arj0n for improving on the original game!

I particularly liked the elevator puzzle(s), the code on the door on the top floor and the treasure hunt in the end. And the box-on-a-rope puzzle.

What I didn't like was a couple of pixel hunts and the massive maze. I needed two hints, both thankfully already available in the hint thread:
I actually tried to look at the shrub in the front yard from another side, but decided it was only a weird phrasing. Even after knowing what I was supposed to do, it took me several minutes. The second hint was the location of the magazines. I didn't like that, both because there was no way of knowing the item existed and because there were plenty of items available that could have solved the puzzle. He's got three drawers full of papers, a hanky, an undie and a towel. Not to mention all the books in the library.
The maze was par for the course back then, I guess, it's just not a puzzle type I like.

I guess the main character won't be to everyone's liking either. I certainly found him repugnant, but I don't identify with the characters in games anyway, and he's played for non-pc laughs. My daughter wanted to try the game after seeing my maze map, so the jury's out on what she may think.

I'm a bit curious about how many points the vest gives the player. I had 440/500 when I picked it up, then the final screen didn't print my score, but said something like "You got    of 500". I had some unused inventory items, so I may have missed something. I know I did some stuff in the wrong order due to spotting a pixel before it was hinted at in the plotline.

To sum up, the game is recommended if you fancy a blast from the past and don't mind taking the role of an old fart. There are some good puzzles, but also the dreaded pixel hunts, the maze and some deaths.
Why, oh why can't he simply turn off the power while working? The switch is right there!  8-0


Alrighty, as s few people had difficulties finding these mags, I've improved that and uploaded v1.0.2:

v1.0.2 changed: redraw hotspot area for magazines, making them easier to find
(in the original game this 'hotspot' was quite small, so I improved it as I noticed several people were having a hard time finding it)
v1.0.1 fixed: final score not correctly displayed in endscene

Savegames from previous versions should be compatible with v1.0.2.


I finished playing. My comments are similar to Jon's:

- As far as the remake, AWESOME job! It's close enough to the original to give the player the same experience as the 30 year old Atari game, but with point and click functionality and some improvements.

- For the game itself, I overall really enjoyed it and would recommend playing. Call me contrarian, but I had fun exploring the catacombs and carefully mapping out every room! Maybe it was the nostalgia of playing Bard's Tale back in the late 80s where graph paper was a must, but actually liked that part.
- There are many pixel hunts, and it seems that you "just have to know" what you're looking for.

I confess that I used a walkthrough and I'm glad I did. I don't realistically think that I would have found a few of the items otherwise. Nonetheless, I did solve enough on my own to have really enjoyed the experience.

A big thank you to arj0n for taking the effort to bringing this Atari classic to us AGSers.

Ian Scott

Many Thanks for doing an excellent job in revamping my clunky old game.
Kind Regards,

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