KIDNAME: ICEBOY (a fan-prequel/parody of Codename: Iceman)

Started by graysond, Mon 25/11/2024 19:41:38

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Hi everybody! This is a new account but the forums (and Discord) have been invaluable for me in learning AGS. I am excited to share my game!


Download on!

Screenshots below! And two vods already online:

Retrograde Tom:

QuoteKIDNAME: ICEBOY is a fan-made prequel to the legendary Sierra On-Line title CODENAME: ICEMAN. The prequel follows patriotic child JW as he embarks on the adventure of his young lifetime--a trip to the US Navy's new Submarine Camp program!


This looks great! Congratulations on the release, and welcome to the forums, too!  ;-D

Don't forget to add your game to the database! No extra upload, simply link it to your itch page.

Privateer Puddin'

This is fantastic. I'd highly recommend the recent streams of DecafJedi (guided by Grayson) playing the original Codename: Iceman and then his stream of this, makes this all the sweeter.


This is great, finished it in about 1,5 h. Was very funny. And welcome to the forum.

Your next game should be Codename Phoenix, the Sequel to Codename Iceman  :grin:  :grin:
Roger Wilco Rules
Space Quest IV.5 Version 3.00 is finally done, check it out:;boardseen#new


I played this last night. I remember playing Sierra's Codename: Iceman many years ago, and not liking it one bit. The game was even more fixated on protocol than the Police Quest games from the same designer, and I felt that the puzzles were replaced by finding the correct sequence in the manual. (With the exception of a submarine battle near the end, which I think I won by saving and reloading a lot.) But this prequel is the opposite of that game, in many ways.

I think I'll put the rest in spoiler tags.
First of all, it's a brilliant satire. There is just as much protocol in this game, but no sudden deaths for not finding it immediately or not knowing about it. And young JW is completely enthusiastic about the whole thing. The game is written in a very true to form Sierra style, just a little bit exaggerated, and then the satire gradually becomes more and more clear. I absolutely loved it. I don't know if it's possible to play the entire thing without discovering the satire, or if someone with very patriotic notions would be offended. To me it was hilarious as soon as I discovered that there was an icon for saluting.
So I liked the game very much. Good writing and graphics that get close to the Sierra style of the period. I completed it in a couple of hours, scoring 49 of 55 points, so there is some replay value, too.

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