Lost In The Nightmare - Version 1.2 is on way

Started by Gord10, Mon 07/11/2005 22:10:09

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Alright; then it seems like that I have to find another host, and I should release a language packet where all grammer mistakes are fixed.
Also now I will look into the bugs you had. I hope I can find a good way like releasing a patch :/
Games are art!
My horror game, Self


Quote from: Wretched on Tue 08/11/2005 16:27:07
What a bunch of whingers, took me 13 hrs to download and I'm not complaining. Couple of bugs though.
It says there is a reward at the end but crashes saying can't find room.
After I use music box and get keys, when I try and walk back to the Hotel I end up in the restaurant and have to go through the entire blindness cutscene a second time, then after painkiller/confension thing, I can't get into the hotel until I get the keys, which I have, then when I go towards the lake, I teleport into the Hotel and was able to finish the game.

Oh yes very, very linear game but I think this is ok here as it's one hell of a story.

Hmm, I couldn't find yet why that bugs occur. The game works at me good.  But guess there isn't such a major bug as I think you could finish the game with the good ending.
You have finished the game with good ending, yeah?
The bonus which I had mentioned was not something so special; just some pictures of me. If you want to reach them, then you must do something like cheat.

Press F10, so the debug mode will be enabled (you should hear a door sound). Then press Ctrl-X and go to the room 1337.

Edit: Sorry for the double posting :/
Games are art!
My horror game, Self


Woa! What a disturbing game. I'm depressive already, Gord, don't do that to me...  ;D
I'm playing and liking it. In a i'm-almost-slashing-my-wrists way. hahahaha! Just kidding.

Nice game.

Trying to make my first AGS game.


It was the purpose, anyway :P
Games are art!
My horror game, Self


Games are art!
My horror game, Self


It sure is I test downloaded it with about 130 kb/s,
The story was and still is really great and the endings *hint hint* are really nice!, hope we see more horror adventure games from you mister Keles!


Thanks :) By the way, I have released a saved game as it is reported by many people that an inventory bug occurs after you don't kill the baby, and then shoot Burak's dark past in the mirror. I still couldn't find how to fix it in the game yet; but I have released a saved game that can be counted as a patch.
Games are art!
My horror game, Self



Can you elaborate more on inventory bug posted just above?

I did found other bugs and scripting error:

I've found the following bug.
When trying going back to hotel, the program believe that I still missing
set of keys, the only way to enter hotel is by going back to lake which after I am magically transfer back to hotel.

Scripting error:
A script have accured after refusing or accepting shooting Alper with the gun and after seeing some credits.

Script error details:
in Room 522 script(line 21)
Error: NewRoom: Cannot run this command, since there is a RestartGame command already queued to run

I believe the above script error deals with bonus (your picture Gord10)

However, according your suggetion posted in thread, I was able in seeing picture.



I can't finish the game due to some major bugs! I keep ending up with an inventory that could not be accessed.
Where ever i go after steeling the keys make me go back to the scene where i loose my eyes. After playing this loop ending magicaly back in my hotelroom. Yes..but now again my inventory doesn't work.

Someone with a savegame just leaving for Effit market with the stolen keys?
I realy want to finish the game. It's been great so far.


This should be my correct e-mail adres in case someone would mail me a savegame (please do!)



I am having the exact same loop problem. As great a game as this is, it really should've been proofread and bug-tested before release.


Yes! It should have been bugtested before.
After playing around for some time (getting more endings this way that worked fine..but not the good ending)
i encounterd the most weird bugs. It was good for a laugh or two but spoiled the entire game for me.
The game, as far as it worked fine, was one of the best i played for a long time. Please release something that works next time and it will be the greatest game posted here i think.


Hey great game!

But I think I found a bug. After I get the music box my inventory doesn't work anymore.
I hope it can be fixed.


Yes, it looks like I should had released the game after a longest beta test. I had got so less time because of the school, so I couldn't work on the game before 2006 Summer. My apologizes...
By the way, Abandonia: Reloaded had mirrorred LitN, too.


Woot! You released it! Rock on Gord :D

I can remember thinking the demo was awesome waaaaay back.

Cant wait till its downloaded :)


Okay, I've made 2 save files, read the following for instructions. May contain spoilers:


agssave70 = Mozesh Save ENK
agssave72 = Mozesh Save GOEN

The following will explain why there are two save games.
Mozesh Save Enk is the one with not the best endings, this is done by your actions through out the game,
WHERE IN THE GAME?   This is just after you got the music box from mr. Polat.

Mozesh Save GOEN is the one with the better ending, this is again done by your actions through out the game,
WHERE IN THE GAME?   This is just after the happening in the market and you return to the hotel and went to the 2nd floor.

IMPORTANT! :(before using Mozesh Save GOEN please play Mozesh Save ENK to know what happens after you have the music box, the saves are at different locations due to a conditional error.


Thanks for those save files. ;D
They work. I'll contineu playing now.


Forgot to mention Mozesh Save GOEN has all the inventory items, there was no other way to get it work, so note that you only have
a revolver given by mr. Polat and the wooden bat you found in levent's


The game really spooked me out, thanks enjoyed it a lot!

I got a bit lost at times as to what combination of actions Id carried out in order to get to different points.


Woooow don't touch my eyes  :D This is  really psycho game. Congratulations Ahmet  :)
Proximity Entertainment

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