Skrexeval's Quest (MAGS)

Started by EmmaGundersen, Fri 31/01/2025 12:31:32

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AGS Database entry
MAGS thread

Story: You are Skrexeval of Banmarist,  a yeoman of the (space) middle ages who dreams of the chance to become a knight and kiss a maiden fair. Luckily, the King has announced a tourney in which any one who can prove himself will have the chance to ascend to knighthood!

This game was made in ONE WEEK for MAGS January 2025, with the theme "Break Some Rules", AKA "Break one (or several) of the various rules/axioms/taboos of adventure gaming."

That means this game is designed according to what I personally think are bad adventure game design principles: there are several points where you can softlock yourself, while on the other end of the spectrum there are puzzles that don't feel like puzzles at all, you just go from point A to B and maybe carry item C. And, of course there are random deaths from seemingly innocuous sources.

But that's not all! The game is also designed to have unintuitive controls, mechanics and ui.

  • Use the arrow keys to move, space to interact,  and the mouse to activate inventory items! Sometimes there's also a parser.
  • There's no way to scroll through your inventory, so don't pick up too much random junk!
  • You can use f5 to save the game (and f7) to restore it, but there is only ONE save slot, so if you lock yourself out of a puzzle you'll have to restart.
  • ...and more!


Programming, Art, Musical arrangement, Sound Design:
- Emma Gundersen

Playtesting (so far):
- Ted Gundersen
- VampireWombat

The song used in the intro is a Swedish medieval ballad called 'Varulven'. I got the notes for it from this source

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