
Started by ddavey1983, Tue 30/04/2024 20:03:37

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By GOC Games

Fred and Albert are steeplejacks trying to demolish a chimney.

Does everthing go to plan? No. No it doesn't.

A traditional point and click adventure game made by GOC Games in one month for MAGS April 2024. Originally intended for MAGS August 2023 - Distance/Separation.


Good to see another game from you! As usual, high quality. And the story is hilarious! I love how you find inspiration for stories like these, opening up unknown areas of life (unknown to me, at least) and  making tall tales of them. The limited setting make the puzzles easier than they would have been as part of a larger game, but it doesn't matter. They are well thought out and fun to solve.

The bickering between the characters brought them to life, too. Their flaws define them and give them character. I also like how their character traits bring them into trouble, but also offers solutions. I liked that.


This is an interesting and unique topic for an adventure game. The two characters are enjoyable, and there's some funny dialogue and some good jokes. I particularly enjoyed the line
"It was a big pigeon again, yeah" at the end.
Graphically it's a little mixed. There's some decent pixel art which is also nicely animated, but it also uses photos for some elements and the two don't always mesh well.

The puzzles are decent and I like
the switch between the two characters midway through which freshens it up.

Overall it's a short (which is expected for MAGS), fun game and definitely worth giving a try. Rewarding ending too!

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