Suli Fallen Harmony on !

Started by Cookie_Wood, Fri 03/04/2020 13:01:21

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Hi everyone !

Today is the D-Day ! We proudly announce that our first point and click game, “Suli fallen Harmony” is now available here

If you already played the demo, we changed many things on the full game. We’ll soon upload a new version of the free demo.

Here are the main changes :

- You can now hold click to walk
- You can now open and close your inventory without touching you keyboard
- You can now set the musics, ambient sounds and sounds volume ingame
- You can now skip the cutscenes hitting escape
- Some animations have been improved
- Font outline has been improved
- Scrolling and camera tracking are a bit smoother
- Both English and French are now available on the same version
- English translation has been polished
- The inventory items “Fish Hook” does not exist anymore
- The cutscenes quality has been improved

We are a small indie studio, so do not hesitate to contact us if you encounter any technical problem with the game or to give us a feedback in order to improve future projects at

Thank you for your support and have Fun !

Laura Hunt

Ahhhh congratulations! It must have felt so good (and so scary) to finally say "ok, done" and compile the final build. I'm totally grabbing it this weekend ;-D


Thanks a lot for your support Laura :D !
Yes, it's a little more than just "scary" actually x)

Laura Hunt

I haven't finished playing it yet but I'm really enjoying it so far! The art is gorgeous, the music is really well chosen, the pacing is good, and overall I'm actually pretty surprised at how smooth the player experience feels; doesn't feel like a first game at all ;-D

One small thing I bumped into:

Even after you've found the Mayor's pocket watch, if you talk to him Suli still says "Are you looking for it too?"

Looking forward to exploring more and discovering what awaits further ahead. Congratulations again!


The game looks lovely, congratulations on the release!


Hi Lorenzo ! Thank you for your support :) We really appreciate !

Hey, Laura, glad you like it so far :D Concerning what Suli says to the mayor, it's really a bug but seems to be a translation ambiguity !

Suli is not talking about the pocket watch when he says "Are you looking for it too" he's talking about the sea !

We'll fix it soon ;)

Laura Hunt

Quote from: Cookie_Wood on Wed 08/04/2020 09:46:09
Hi Lorenzo ! Thank you for your support :) We really appreciate !

Hey, Laura, glad you like it so far :D Concerning what Suli says to the mayor, it's really a bug but seems to be a translation ambiguity !

Suli is not talking about the pocket watch when he says "Are you looking for it too" he's talking about the sea !

We'll fix it soon ;)

Ohhhhh I see! Yeah, it's easy to interpret that both ways :)

btw, I don't think I've seen the game in the AGS database, you should add it so people have a better chance of seeing it!


Yes you're right ! I'll definitely do it very soon :D


I played the demo to get a feel for this, and it's huge! I spent a couple of hours before finishing the demo, which is basically the first chapter of the game. I really liked the feel of this world where anthropomorphic birds live side by side with humans.

The gameplay in the demo is about exploring and solving a series of interconnected fetch quests with additional puzzles to get your hands, er, wingtips on the items. But while this is linear in solution, it doesn't seem that way while playing, because the player is allowed to explore and learn about all the problems before Suli can solve them. I've always liked designs such as this.

Now I'm curious about what Suli is up to in the next chapters. I will be buying the full version. Everyone who skipped this one at the word "commercial" - give the demo a go. That's free.

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