
Started by homelightgames, Mon 02/02/2015 09:31:52

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by visionmind

You want us to keep you safe by flying your planes and driving your vehicles.  You want us to keep the peace by efficiently deploying your law enforcement and military forces.  You want us to keep you fed by managing your food production.
We are the Artificially Intelligent Distributed Network.

But there is one thing you should know. There is nothing artificial about us.

Wrecked follows a young man who crashes into a barren desert landscape, with his sister, and discovers the only way to escape is to find out why they crashed in the first place.

Initially, Wrecked was just supposed to be a quick starter project to cut my teeth on, but after more than a year later I've learned there is no such thing as a quick project.  In many ways, it is one big experiment to prove to myself that I can go from A to Z with a game.  I'm also eager to see how people react to it, particularly with certain design choices.

Updated Wrecked 1.1
I've added feedback for many interactions has been added, or modified.
I've modified a few of the backgrounds.
Unfortunately, because of some significant changes, this version's saved games won't be compatible with the old version.
I've changed the location of an item. Which one?
The bandages
Available Here

Wrecked Download Page.



This looks really nice!  For some reason the style reminds me a little bit of Out of Order (made with SLUDGE) - which can only be a good thing! ;-D

Congrats on the release.


Congrats for visionmind from Inventive Mind! (roll)
i am published "Wrecked" on the very popular Russian tracker


This looks really cool. I love the art style. Once my super bowl hangover goes away, I'll be downloading.


Thanks guys, I hope you enjoy it.


I played some of this last night, and some more this morning, and I'm enjoying it a lot so far! You clearly put a lot of time into the game, great work! I love the feel of scavenging around wrecks in order to survive, and this captures that feeling very well.

I do kinda of miss interaction feedback on things, but that's not stopping me from enjoying the game. I look forward to playing more!


I've been playing this very cool game, and ThreeOhFour took the words right out my mouth. The lack of some interactions makes the game feel slightly unpolished, but it has not stopped me from having a good time either. I really like the puzzles and pacing so far, the music and sounds are very fitting, and the subtle footsteps while walking around in certain areas, is very well done. There are some games where the footstep sounds are annoying, but I feel that you got it right here. The art is a pleasure to look at, and... let's just say that from what I've seen so far, I'm very pleased with. Great job visionmind, and thank you for this free game.


Thanks ThreeOhFour and NickyNyce.  That's exactly the sort of thing I needed to learn from this 'little' experiment of mine.



"Wrecked" in my collection <Best adventure games>  and my second favorite to be Best AGS game in 2015, or other nominations, for example Best Background Art...

My favorite AGS games released in 2015
A Night in Berry


Thank you Inventive Mind. It is still very early on in the year, but still thank you.


Hi Visionmind,

I've started the game yesterday and it's fun so far. Smooth animations and sound effects.
I'm scavenging the wrecks and unscrewing every panel I come across.
Hopefully, I'll find some first-aid kit for my sis'.

Keep up the good work.


I finished! I really enjoyed this I love how much effort you've put into everything, it really shows. It was a lot of fun to explore the environment, and I think the story worked very nicely too - especially the ending which pretty much did what I expected but then a reveal happened that caught me off-guard and I really liked that!

I played over the course of a few sessions, making a little bit of progress each time, and I got a pretty good amount of play time out of it. The puzzles were pretty much just about right, I think, but I definitely would have liked a bit more feedback. Sometimes it's nice to have more information on why something isn't working, it helps me know what I need to do in order to get it working.

Something unique I really liked is how "hands-on" a lot of the game was. It felt nice unscrewing things screw by screw, cleaning a wound up bit by bit, pressing switches, using disks in sequence. It's small interaction, but it was more fun for me than just watching a big animation and seeing someone talk about it, it made me go "Yeah, I'm playing this!"

Overall, very good work. I had a great time with this, you should be proud of what you've achieved. Thanks for the game! :cheesy:


Thanks ThreeOhFour! And you are welcome. It took much longer to make than anticipated, so I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I'm actually in the process of adding some more feedback throughout the game. I was hoping to be done by now, but things never go as quickly as planned. An updated version should be out in the next couple days.



Quote from: visionmind on Sat 07/02/2015 20:19:50
It took much longer to make than anticipated

They always do. Trust me on this one.


I've updated the game with more feedback, modified a few backgrounds, and changed the location of one of the objects to better utilize the environment. (see the main post for which object)

I should note that because of some significant changes, this version's saved games won't be compatible with the old version. :P




I just finished the game. It has a good BASS vibe (hello, old man :smiley:)
I wish the character would indicate me why my actions didn't work  sometimes, but it was a very nice experience overall.

And my sister's a badass after all.


Congrats on the release. I had fun testing this and I totally agree with Ben here:

Quote from: ThreeOhFour on Sat 07/02/2015 00:31:25
Something unique I really liked is how "hands-on" a lot of the game was. It felt nice unscrewing things screw by screw, cleaning a wound up bit by bit, pressing switches, using disks in sequence. It's small interaction, but it was more fun for me than just watching a big animation and seeing someone talk about it, it made me go "Yeah, I'm playing this!"

As others said, some more feedback from the main character would probably improve the experience.


Thanks guys.  I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Yeah, that's one of my favorite parts.
So taking in some feedback from here, especially for the lack of in-game responses, I updated the game (1.1) with more in-game responses.  I hope it helps.



Hey Everyone,

I've written a walkthrough for the game, just in case any of you get stuck and need a little nudge.  It's written for the most recent version of the game, so if some names are off, it's most likely because of that.

At this point in time, I realize that for next time, it would probably be better to write a hint system for inside the game. While making the game the idea of adding a hint system seemed overwhelming, but after writing the walkthrough I see it would have been the better thing to do, even if it would mean more planning and organizing the code ahead of time. One of the many lessons learned.

It's available here.

Thanks everyone!


PS I've also put the link in the First Post.


Quote from: visionmind on Fri 13/02/2015 19:28:23
I've written a walkthrough for the game...
Thanks for walkthrough!
I will continue to play...

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