The Classroom

Started by Bartimaeus, Fri 20/05/2005 18:36:57

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Okay, this is actually my first official AGS room and I'm pretty happy with it.
Never too happy for some criticism though!

The only problem I have is with chairs. I was originally thinking of those big ol' blue plastic ones... But I'm struggling a bit.

Have a look, I dare you.

~The more adventures I go on, the more sand I get in my shoes


The furniture all looks very odd.  The children's tables look like coffee tables.  Classroom tables don't have that kind of framework under  them...they would get in the way of the chair legs.  The chairs look like footstools.  Regular classroom chairs are shaped much differently.  Why not use regular desks?  The teachers desk has edges which are very dark...I thin kthe edges should not be made darker, but that different sides of the desk should have shadow.


Hey, stuh, you forgot to mention that it's a pretty impressive background for the first try!

My critiques/comments:

- What is that crazy colored board on the left wall?
- The whole room looks rather small for a classroom, but thay may have been your intention. (if not, resize the door and windows / make them smaller )
- What is that white thing on the lower right? A power outlet? Not sure about this one.
- Remove the yellow part and vanishing point on top! :)


It's quite neat, although darkening the edges instead of doing real shading isn't.
The door's about 4 times as high as the teacher's desk.
Additionally, with a viewpoint that high, you'd have to scroll down the character to about 50% at the back of the room for it to look right.


I agree with Stuh. The kids' desks are looking like coffe tables. Unless you're aiming to a japanese type of sitting, add some height to them. I would do the same thing to the teacher's desk.

Other thing I would do: add some landcape or buildings behind the windows. They're looking like mirrors. Unless, of course,  the kids are juvenile delinquents and are being interrogated (hehehehe  ;D just kidding).

Once you fix these prolem, you're done!
It is really fine room. Congrats!
Trying to make my first AGS game.

Darth Mandarb

I think you're off to a really good start with this background (especially for a first attempt!)

The desks (as others have mentioned) are too small.  They look more like coffee tables.  Also, all the other elements of the room are very contrasty (meaning the outlines are very defined) and the desks, in comparison, look very washed out as a result.

- make the desks taller.  I think they're big enough, just need to be taller.
- make the desks' outlines more contrasty (like the rest of the image)
- make the door a little shorter.
- make the window by the door a picture instead.  Unless the classroom is a stand alone unit it's more likely outside the door would be a hallway rather than open air?
- the black outline around the one poster looks a little odd.  Unless it's supposed to have a black outline!

Just some suggestions.  I hope they help you.

Great start!


Darth, there can be windows in indoor walls too := I've seen those in a couple of schools I've been in. They're supposed to make the place airy or something...

Billy, I suggest you draw the corridor onto the outside of the right window and some outdoor landscape to the left one, and adjust those desks. It'll look a lot better. It's a really good first background already :)
I used to make games but then I took an IRC in the knee.

<Calin> Ishmael looks awesome all the time
\( Ö)/ ¬(Ö ) | Ja minähän en keskellä kirkasta päivää lähden minnekään juoksentelemaan ilman housuja.


Okay thanks for crits and stuff, gonna make the desks taller - even the teacher's one.

Funnily enough it is a standalone room. I'm trying to think of it as a standalone pre-school. Has anyone here seen PowerPuff girls?  ;)

Okay, so that stuff I can change. But does anybody have any ideas on what kind of chairs I can draw. I was never going to use that footstool, it was meant to be a base for the chair.
~The more adventures I go on, the more sand I get in my shoes



old fashioned:


Made some mods. Hope you can get ideas from it!

Trying to make my first AGS game.


One of those pictures/papers  on the left that are on the wall are out of perspective.

Other than that, it's awsome.
You got it!

Coming Soon!

Mats Berglinn

Is it me or are there very few pupils in this class? I mean there just five benches. A regular class at least have twenty.


Im pretty new at this too and id like to say thats very impressive for your first room.   ive been using pics of the internet i wish i had skill like you.


Quote from: Mats Berglinn on Sat 21/05/2005 22:19:41
Is it me or are there very few pupils in this class? I mean there just five benches. A regular class at least have twenty.

If it's a special class? Though then I'd kinda wonder why it's a standalone thingy...
I used to make games but then I took an IRC in the knee.

<Calin> Ishmael looks awesome all the time
\( Ö)/ ¬(Ö ) | Ja minähän en keskellä kirkasta päivää lähden minnekään juoksentelemaan ilman housuja.


It's a private Pre-School with very few l'il kids.
Do you know why...
Because it's an adventure game...
That I'm making...
And I have ALL POWER!

Thanks for the paintover Stefano, I'm gonna try my own paintover but yours really helps with sizes.

Stuh: Thanks for the pics. The modern one is too modern and the old one is too old. Just gonna use your average, school desk.

And btw: I have desks in my school that look like these. They aren't that unusual.

Thanks hey guys!
~The more adventures I go on, the more sand I get in my shoes

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