Main Character Sprite for my MAGS Game

Started by Tenacious Stu, Sat 06/07/2013 20:07:27

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Tenacious Stu


My Game has taken a different direction now and will no longer include a genie, but thanks for the help I thought your version looked awesome Anian ;) and yes, definitely with beard.

Now, the main character of my MAGS game is a heroine, that at the moment looks like this:


I'm pretty pleased with it, but the parts I'm struggling with are the face and the skirt. Looking for some help, advice, critique? Thanks :D

Original Post:

[Click it - It's Zoomable!]

So for my MAGS game, my main character is a genie. What do you think to the colour/style of him? I was going for a slouched look, but I'm having difficulty with placing the shoulders/vest in the right places. I think the middle one looks okay, but could be improved. Also If anyone has got any tips on how to go about animating his trail? I think it would look good with a kind of squiggly effect. And finaly: Facial hair or no facial hair?


I'd not put shading on something that's basically thicker smoke, plus it'll be quicker to animate without the shading.

[IMGzoom][/imgzoom]  [IMGzoom][/imgzoom]
Don't know why the background is red on that animation though.
Changed the eyes, changed the colors a bit, smaller turban, exchanged the the bottom of the genie, moved the arms a bit. Animation is not my forte, but maybe choose 3 areas that move indivdually (head, torso+hands, bottom) then animate them up and down with slight stretches and movement.
I don't want the world, I just want your half


Quote from: Tenacious Stu on Sat 06/07/2013 20:07:27
And finaly: Facial hair or no facial hair?

I kinda like the version with the beard. It's somewhat expected, isn't it? Beard = wisdom (Says the ghost with the goatee).

Tenacious Stu

I've updated my original post above as the main character of my MAGS game has now changed from an exciting, awesome genie, to a boring humanoid girl. Would love to hear your thoughts on this new character?


That character looks great! What is the story behind the game?


The color of her hair and the shading on the skin seem to lack contrast a bit, but the design looks interesting.
I don't want the world, I just want your half

Tenacious Stu

Quote from: Alaskaban on Fri 12/07/2013 00:36:34
That character looks great! What is the story behind the game?

Thank you very much :) I'm keeping the story close to the chest on this one, but I really think it will be a nice little tale well suited to a MAGS game.

Quote from: Anian on Fri 12/07/2013 05:37:18
The color of her hair and the shading on the skin seem to lack contrast a bit, but the design looks interesting.

Thanks Anian! I was quite pleased with the result, my main concern was the face and skirt, but no one has mentioned them, so I guess they must be okay. As for the contrast, I will make a note of that and place some stronger colours in there.

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