Adventure Game Studio

Creative Production => Critics' Lounge => Topic started by: KyriakosCH on Thu 12/05/2016 09:15:09

Title: Some synopsis of the plot of the horror game i am creating.. feedback welcome :)
Post by: KyriakosCH on Thu 12/05/2016 09:15:09
(edit: very outdated info ;) )

The game (demo version will be up first, hopefully by July at the latest) is adapted from a published book of mine, although the demo chapter is a new story. Plot in the demo chapter is that the narrator (player character) is in the process of moving to a better part of the city, and a better apartment, though at the same time has discovered that his name is falsely stated as the author of a horror tale in a printed periodical. Naturally ( ;) ) things aren't exactly as simple as that, although the narrator definitely is not willing to accept it.

The game deals more prominently with themes of memory, dreams (nightmares), double meaning in language, sense of identity and aspirations in a set environment. As an intro chapter, the demo focuses on a specific character, working in an office as an organizer of events for customers of that firm.
Game takes place mostly in two cities, London (England) and my homecity, Thessalonike, in northern Greece.

I am also translating (not a perfect translation, i know...) part of the actual text into English, for the intro and other text needs in the demo chapter. Here is a part of that (the attributed story in the periodical)

"I carry on spending hours as a volunteer helper, in the city libraries. It's now the third year of this. At the absolute end of the first year I did have the impression that some people in the office of directors would help me find paid work, given lack of money was threatening to toss me over to places from which there would be no return. Yet, this did not happen, and a corresponding pledge on their part was never even re-issued the next year of my service. Half-promisses, or not even that, general allusions to some even more general intent to help me, only seemed to me as incapacitated reflections of previous claims and theoretical intentions.
With this I do not mean to argue that those people in the positions of directors apparently dislike me heavily, willfully deciding that I must be left to wander for so long a time in a poverty both dreadful and severely endangering: Afterall the same people, now that they formed the view â€" by some external, and by and large incosequential changes evident in my person â€" that I have secured a stable source of income, are very open about expressing their happiness that such a development has taken place, and also their sadness that they could not manage to be of help to me back when I needed them to secure the very same outcome they now earnestly cheer. Naturally, they focus most of all on the fact that I did all this wonderful achievement, solve my problems all by myself, and they smile to me all the more often.
I don't conclude of this that they now think of me more highly than before, for -as I noted â€" I remain of the conviction that they had a decisively positive opinion of me in the past as well as now. But it is dreadfully obvious, in regards to their stance towards me at the time, that it could only be termed a cold and rigid stance in all regarding the essence of my issue, and by it they were pushing me further away, and not just away from their own locations, but away from this part of the city, or the city itself, or the entire country, or towards actions which would have indeed been those of a person completely empty of hope...

I did note that I am not blaming them for the absence of help. Thoughts have persuaded me that even I, had I been in their position, I too being a person whose powers are finite and already rapidly depleting while used to cater to my own personal needs, would most likely not be much more industrious if I had been met with someone in need, someone who â€" as I was in the past â€" clearly had to get some support, and sought this support by looking about with the most depressed glance, a glance which from time to time would happen to fall on me as well.
Looking forward to your feedback... I think it can be a decent horror adventure. Btw, AGS really is a VERY easy to work with program, congratulations to all involved, it's an amazing development to have such tools so as to create one's own game ;) !