Arnold Schwarzenneger For Governor!!

Started by shitar, Sat 30/08/2003 04:33:19

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Mods, thats hilarious

Las, thats intriguing.  I want green parties to get what they deserve
- Oh great, I'm stuck in colonial times, tentacles are taking over the world, and now the toilets backing up.
- No, I mean it's really STUCK. Like adventure-game stuck.
-Hoagie from DOTT


Quote from: Dave Gilbert on Wed 08/10/2003 16:49:41
Quote from: DGMacphee on Wed 08/10/2003 16:06:45
Deficit under Gray Davis: $34.6 million

Question.  According to my ex-califronian sister, the deficit was caused because Davis was promised around $30 million in aid from the government. So he spent all that money, true, but he also expected the state would get that money back.  Is this true?   If so, the most Davis could be blamed for is trusting in his own government.

I don't know -- I live in Australia.

I just took the figure from some "recall Davis" website so I could use it in my lame-ass joke.

I'm sorry, Dave, but I'm afraid I cannot answer your question.

Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do...

DGMacphee Designs -
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"Ah, look! I've just shat a rainbow." - Yakspit

Bob The Hun

I agree that Arnold wasn't the best choice. Save his financial conservatism, he's pretty much a flat-out liberal. McClintock was the only real conservative in the race, really. But I suppose that Arnold still is financially conservative, and at this point, that's the most important thing.
And, as for that Australian voting system, to be honest, it would kind of worry me to have that kind of system. The Green party always made me a little uneasy. But I suppose that was because I, along with a lot of my friends, grew up in what was pretty much poverty, since environmentalists ruined my hometown's main (and pretty much only) job supplier, logging, to save a couple of spotted owls. I always thought that a lot of environmentalists had their priorities a bit mixed up, IMO.

Las Naranjas

I think the preferential voting is more Democratic, but I guess some would rather it more Republican.


Just on other things in Australian democracy. As part of a civics course in Yr 5 we had to write definitions for various things. One was the secret ballot, I looked to Encarta 95 and it directed me to "Australian Ballot". Like the Australian Crawl, a term that I never heard until it came from an American source.

And as a point of interest, when, in 1894 South Australia became the third place after New Zealand and (ironically) the isle of Man, to grant female suffrage, it was something that was brought about by evangelical christians more than any other segment of society (bar women of course). There's a simple reason for that, which I won't give because I don't feel like it, but it jars with the general impression of evangelical christianity being very socially conservative.
"I'm a moron" - LGM
Your resident Novocastrian.


Ronald Reagen.
Ex-movie star turned politico.
Star Wars.

the right loves him and the left hates him.  but he didn't do any worse than any of the other shlubs the americans voted in to public office.

let's see what conan the barbarian has up his sleeve, then throw some stones.

hopefully we won't hear this out of the governater.

Quotecrush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the woman!
I like having low self-esteem.  It makes me feel special.


As far as the rest of the world see's California, we only really know about Hollywood, which is what? a Suburb, or City within LA. I guess there's SF too, but anywhere else is just not really well known.

People in California must look up to TV/Media too much eg. they think are as cool as the kids from 90210 or something, therefore voting for people that look sophisticated (but aren't) rather than someone who might actually help them, not just their own careers.
I think the world in general is falling into the same traps.

It seems as though it was inevitable from the start, I feel sorry for the state, I guess it's society's own fault though, falling for the publicity stunts, and voting for a Moofie Star. wonder what will happen after the Novelty wears off.

It's a bit of a laughing joke over here in Australia (as it probably is in America and rest of world), but we're far enough away to laugh.

I guess Arnie just married into American political royalty and his motive has always been to rule the world, well I guess Hollywood is that fake and shallow that they think they rule the world already, So lets hope Arnie thinks he's achieved his major goal already and stops there.

Just hope the real people running the state can do a good job.

As long as Steve Irwin, Russel Crowe, or Kylie Minogue don't run over here, (or polititians) I'm happy :(

I also heared someone say Arnie was in charge of the best state in the best country in the world, get off your High Horse, They obviously got their facts wrong as Arnie will never be in charge of NSW, AUS.


"CRIKEY!!! Have a look at the size of this bill!!! We're gonna have a tought time gettin' this through Senate!!!"


DGMacphee Designs -
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"Ah, look! I've just shat a rainbow." - Yakspit


I got a newsletter from Fat Mike of the band NOFX.  He has a good point:

"Forget that he admired Adolf Hitler.  Forget that he's a womanizer.  Forget that he refuses to go to a debate unless he gets the questions a week in advance.  Forget that he is good friends with Kurt Waldheim.  Forget that more than a dozen women have said that he had publicly humiliated them.  Forget the accent.  Forget that his wife looks like Skeletor.  Forget that he lied about not taking money from special interest.  Forget that he doesn't have a plan to balance the budget.  Just remember one thing: Kindergarten Cop.

California is fucked,

Fat Mike"


Quote from: Scummbuddy on Thu 09/10/2003 02:57:09
Mods, thats hilarious

I want green parties to get what they deserve


Currently Working On: Monkey Island 1.5


Give it 2 weeks and we'll all have forgotten he's the governor. Give it 2 weeks and one day and you'll find this thread on page 18 of the gen gen forum.

I gaurantee!



Quote from: m0ds on Thu 09/10/2003 12:48:42
Give it 2 weeks and we'll all have forgotten he's the governor. Give it 2 weeks and one day and you'll find this thread on page 18 of the gen gen forum.

I gaurantee!


Give it two weeks and Arnold has forgotten he's governor



DGMacphee Designs -
AGS Awards -

Instagame -
"Ah, look! I've just shat a rainbow." - Yakspit


What does everyone mean, Arnie hasn't got any political experience?  He's groped women and lied to the public, hasn't he?


Exactly, Nellie...that guy has enough political experience to be the bloody president


Nah, Arnie can't be president.  He's too easy to understand.
Sssshhhh!!! No sex please, we're British!!- Pumaman

Matt Brown

word up


I don't care about Arnold.
I'm scared of the real TERMINATOR  G.Bush Jr


I think because Arnold wasn't born in America, and can't run for president is why he is going to be a better governor over California. Sure, he's probably not the right man for the job, but he's definitely better than Davis or McClintock.

Oh well, I don't want to argue with you guys. It just makes me mad when you talk about how wonderful Clinton was and our "8 years of peace". Do you know how many wars we fought while he was in office? Well over 8!

You call that peace?

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