I made a small Unreal game for Halloween

Started by Blondbraid, Thu 31/10/2024 12:37:26

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I have been trying to learn Unreal Engine as of late, and so I created a short little game project starring a vampire now
before Halloween, and of course I'd want to share it with the great community that first got me started in making games!


Nice to see you back.

I finished Vampire Vigilante.

Good-looking game - so much so that I had to update my graphic card drivers to play it.

The gameplay and story are basic but that's a good start.
I died once because I kept misplacing the camera inside the heroine.



Thank you,
Quote from: Creamy on Tue 05/11/2024 22:27:00Nice to see you back.

I finished Vampire Vigilante.

Good-looking game - so much so that I had to update my graphic card drivers to play it.

The gameplay and story are basic but that's a good start.
I died once because I kept misplacing the camera inside the heroine.

I'm glad to hear it!


Hi, your project looks cool. Lightweight low-poly models, cartoonish graphics. Sometimes I want to play something like this, to get away from the modern super reality in games.


Quote from: Millard_Harris on Mon 23/12/2024 08:32:40Hi, your project looks cool. Lightweight low-poly models, cartoonish graphics. Sometimes I want to play something like this, to get away from the modern super reality in games.
I'm glad you liked it! I've always been drawn to more cartoonish looks myself in my drawings, modeling and art in general.

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