Resident Evil 5 is RACIST oh noes!

Started by Meowster, Wed 01/08/2007 15:59:12

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If they say honky on TV, no-one gives a shit.
i used to be indeceisive but now im not so sure!


Just for the record, I hate racism as much as the next guy, but all this crap about RE5 and the word nigger is simply - crap. I mean, it's just a word, dammit! I know I'm not a racist and every time I say "nigger", it's with that friendly-familiar tone (of course, I've never said "nigger" to anyone personally, because there are no black people in my country). On the other hand, it's such fun being racist towards your own race - like, I'm watching a NBA game with my friend and we are like "Dammit, what the hell is that whitey doing on the court???"  ;D (I used the word "whitey" here as an approximation of an offensive word from my language. We form racially based insults by adding a sufix (sp?) to the name of the race. It's the same suffix (sp?) in both cases, so the racial insults are equally strong. I think the strenght of those insults is approximately the same as the strength of the word "nigger", which seems to me a much stronger word than "whitey" or other terms for white race. We need new words in English language.)

Anyway, it seems that the REAL fight against racism is happening on this very forum. It's not about not using a stupid word - it's about being friendly with someone and being friendly in a totally relaxed way where you don't have to think for half an hour before using a word because you might offend someone. Long live all niggers, whiteys, crackers, yellow people (word?) and everyone else!
None shall pass!

Paranoid Factor


That's from Avenue Q, right?

Ethinic jokes might be uncouth,
But you laugh because
They're based on truth.


It's from Avenue Q, yes ^_^

Look around and you will find
No one's really color blind
Maybe it's a fact
We all should face

So unPC and so true.


Quote from: space boy on Mon 06/08/2007 00:22:56
Quote from: Harvester on Sun 05/08/2007 23:59:13By that "N-word" they mean nigger, right?

Since we're still using the word nigger they can't have buried it. Unless it became a zombie, which brings us back to the main topic.

Best post I've ever seen. ;D


"I gotz me a jobs to do, and I'm a gonna see it through"

lol - this truly is over the top!

My brother just got Resident Evil 4 for the Wii (we already played it on the PS2 and beat it, so I'm not sure why he got the Wii version), and I've never read an article complaining about Leon killing hordes of psycho mexicans (probably psycho due to horrible immigration laws, no doubt) as being in any way racist! Jesus christ, black people are crazy!
|--> The Bionic Blog


As far as I know, only one black person has accused Capcom of being racist.  :P


Even Scott Dewitt is pissed off at the African American Hypocratic
†Å"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.†
The Restroom Wall


Hmm, has this game been released yet?  If not, she should wait before passing judgement on it.

See, this is why nonhuman characters are awesome; they can kill each other in the most horrifically violent ways and no one gives a rip.
Atapi - A Fantasy Adventure
Now available!:

Darth Mandarb

Quote from: MoodyBlues on Fri 10/08/2007 05:11:26See, this is why nonhuman characters are awesome; they can kill each other in the most horrifically violent ways and no one gives a rip.

Doesn't that make us all racist then?  Oh the irony ...



Quote from: Darth Mandarb on Fri 10/08/2007 14:30:45
Quote from: MoodyBlues on Fri 10/08/2007 05:11:26See, this is why nonhuman characters are awesome; they can kill each other in the most horrifically violent ways and no one gives a rip.

Doesn't that make us all racist then?  Oh the irony ...


Well, speciesist, at least.  All I know is that my little brother was allowed to play Halo only because he was blowing up aliens (albeit very evil aliens) and not humans.  It makes sense since violence against innocent aliens is not an issue in real life, but I couldn't help feeling a little sad seeing Master Chief kill everything and everyone he sees.

This is what happens when you read Out of the Silent Planet; you become a total space hippy.   ;)
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