Adventure Game Studio

Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: Domino on Sat 11/10/2003 03:26:14

Title: which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: Domino on Sat 11/10/2003 03:26:14
if the AGS forums were to turn into an episode of Seinfeld, which character would you be from the show & why?

i would be George. I am not short & stout, but i seem to act like George.

Also, please feel free to name your favorite episode.

Shawn  :D
Title: Re:which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: Trapezoid on Sat 11/10/2003 03:28:01
I'd probably be some bizarre lovechild of Jerry and Kramer.
Title: Re:which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: DGMacphee on Sat 11/10/2003 03:49:17
Ummm, I'm none of them actually.

I'm a 22-year-old student from Brisbane called Daniel Macpherson.

I like cupcakes.
Title: Re:which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: Quickstrike on Sat 11/10/2003 04:15:08
Kramer, because I've done things the he does.  
*Buys meat slicer
Title: Re:which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: on Sat 11/10/2003 04:31:31
Oh, DG, that's totally the background guy in the second street scene in episode 305.  You know the one.

I'd be the lamp-post outside the Soup Nazi's establishment.  The one I'm talking about isn't on camera, but if you compare a map of New York to the "imagined" map of locales in the Sienfeld universe, there would logically be a lamp-post just about 40 paces from that Soup place.  Towards the back.  That's totally me!
Title: Re:which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: Privateer Puddin' on Sat 11/10/2003 09:39:00
worst show ever ;)
Title: Re:which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: Las Naranjas on Sat 11/10/2003 09:48:16
yeah, that episode where Kramer sticks the chapstick in his nose was crazy...
Title: Re:which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: on Sat 11/10/2003 13:03:13
newman perhaps. I don't watch it that much.
Title: Re:which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: veryweirdguy on Sat 11/10/2003 13:16:23
I'd want to be the Soup Nazi or Kramer, but I'd probably end up being someone like Newman or Mr Peterman  :( .
Title: Re:which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: Timosity on Sat 11/10/2003 13:42:32
A combination of all of them

Noteworthy episode: where the dentist has penthouse magazines to read while waiting, then after having the gas, Jerry can't remember whether he tucked his shirt in or not after seeing the nurse buttoning up her top.
Title: Re:which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: Haddas on Mon 13/10/2003 14:31:46
I'm Kramer.
tthis is not supposed to be here, but I'll show it anyway...
It's Seinfeld & Elaine = Selaine ! ! !
The Site is
One of the most amusing sites on this planets when it comes to being evil to others and photoshopping images
Title: Re:which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: Nine Toes on Mon 13/10/2003 18:15:10
Well, I could be Kramer... I just do weird stuff... unless. naw, I think I'm more like George's Dad... I think I'm probably more like him because when I start talking, I'll be speaking quite normally, but then I'll gradually start to raise my voice.  By the time I'm finished talking, I'm screaming my head off.

My favorite episode?  Either the soup Nazi, or the one with the censorship bleeps (...and something about non-fat frozen yogurt...).
Title: Re:which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: on Mon 13/10/2003 18:58:02
Im Newmwn defenetly newmen! lazyn stuff
Title: Re:which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: LGM on Mon 13/10/2003 19:58:05
I'd probably say a mix between George and Kramer. I do weird-ass stuff sometimes like kramer; yet I'm mildy annoying and irratible like George is.

But I'm not bald.. yet
Title: Re:which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: Harvester on Mon 13/10/2003 22:03:24
I'd probably be the guy who takes a shotgun and kills them all. Oh, wait, they haven't made that episode yet.
Title: Re:which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: Evil on Tue 14/10/2003 00:24:01
Jerry. I am always having the lady promblems. Just ask Bruised.
Title: Re:which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: Lucky on Wed 15/10/2003 09:18:36
George. Since I always manage to do only wrong decisions.

Fav episode? That's a hard question. Naah, can't decide.
Title: Re:which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: remixor on Wed 15/10/2003 09:25:08
Hmmm.... I'm the guy who doesn't watch Seinfeld.
Title: Re:which character are you in SEINFELD?
Post by: on Wed 15/10/2003 18:11:42
I'm Jerry Seinfeld ... because I kinda talk like him sometimes ..