Donald Dowell & the Ghost of Barker Manor

Started by Cogliostro, Thu 19/12/2013 21:37:17

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Made it into Delano's room.  Got the suitcase open but still cannot escape the room.  So, I assume I have to get the safe open.  I tried every # on his driver's license, and every combination I imagined could be hidden in the knick-knacks.  Safe is still locked tight.  What am I missing?

- Cogliostro
"First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Dr. Who


Delano's birthday. Try month+year. It's 4 numbers so try two from the month and two from the year [\hide]



Thanks, I swear I tried every combination EXCEPT that one.

Okay, I've been in Delano's room, picked up the ghost detector and gotten out of the rooms.  Now I've spoken to two ghosts and I need to get the shears from the gardener (Malachi?)  I keep on trying to swap one item for his shears after he sets them down, but nothing I try gets *ANY* response from the game.


I'm assuming I need the shears to cut up the painting, to make a fake ID, to get a beer, and to get into the church and the arcade room.

Anyone have any hints?

- Cogliostro

"First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Dr. Who


Cogliostro, you need something that makes the same sound

You forgot to look around in room 101. Look at the nightstand to the left Sorry, wrote down the wrong room number first


Look in your inventory. I suppose you already have the note-pad that MacGeyser gave you. If not, I suppose you have to solve time-michine puzzle first. If yes, give the note-pad to Miss Betty Bunny, to ask her a signature .... go inside her room ... and ... you will find something


Okay, I have the shears and I've been to the well. However, I have no idea what I do next.  I cannot find the hammer, but I assume it's at the bottom of the well.  I cannot get the Polaroid to make a fake ID.  (Now, I'm assuming that's how I get the job done.)   The architect does not show up at the fountain.  (His nose seems to be pretty distinctive.)  I cannot figure out how to get the kid off the swing.  (Atari, maybe?)   

Any pointers?
"First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Dr. Who


 hi Cagliostro
take the denture in the director's office. To take it ask the director about bram stoker. Then go to the kid and use the denture on donald. Then cut the ropes of the rwing. With the ropes you gan go inside the well. To cut the rope you need mordechai's scissors. To get thdn use betty bunny's hair cutter on the scissors. [\hide]


Having trouble with the Time Machine.  Pretty sure I've worked out what to do on the second line, but it's not working...
Drop three little yellow balls down each purple valve?


yeah, but be sure you got the right "age".. You can see a dial  on top left... A.d. Or B.c. ... In the song there are written historical events.. So you have to figure out the right age [\hide]


Once again, I'm stuck.


I *assume* that I need to beat GOLIATH in a head-butting contest in order to get the gold coin, to trade to the leperchaun, to get the hammer, to give to MacGeyser, to get the Polaroid (maybe), to create a fake ID, to get a beer, to get access to the arcade and the church.  Obviously I challenged the Barker brothers to a bet and lost.  Then I promptly reloaded from a previous game to avoid losing the silver spoon - I only have one item made of silver. 

Now, I've been in the kitchen and gotten the meatloaf.  I've tried to talk the happy couple into a divorce and failed, but after that I have no idea how I'm supposed proceed.  Preventing blunt force trauma to the skull of your average octogenarian is not something that presents a ready solution.

- Cogliostro
"First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Dr. Who


give meatloaf to the butler, Reginald. Then use the rope on the deer head. With the deer head you can win against Golia, using it on Donald. If u lose the spoon, u can take another one going again in the tearoom. When u use the rope on the well, dont forget to take it with you. [\hide]


Stuck way too early on! How do I get to look in the book?
KPop and AGS....................that is my life.


go in the bathroom, take the paper on the chair and the strips from the foot of the mummy. Then throw the paper or the strips in the w.c. and flush it! You'll clog it . So go back to karl's room.[\hide]


Chess Board Puzzle


I have to find pen and ink pot to give to the architect to get the plans to get the bridge completed.
I have find a wine expert to tell me the best year of wine so I can get the corkscrew.
Somehow I have to get the ghosthoover from the vampire - no idea on this one currently.

I assume the puzzle I can complete with my existing items is the chessboard.  So, *if* I interpreted the menu hint correctly, I've set the pieces up as:

B8: White rook
F7: White king
B6: Black knight (Was this space supposed to be A6?)
H7: Black king
F6: White bishop

That looks like it's one move from MATE, but nothing happens?  Where did I fumble?

- Cogliostro
"First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Dr. Who


Hi Cocliostro:
Look at the menu: you'll see UPPER-CASE LETTERS and numbers:
manor burger Bread roll, onions, crab meat, Kipper filets, lettuce, Almonds, nutmeg, tartar sauce. euro 8,00
In this case .. BK-A8 means Black King - A8
Look all the others hints anf you'll Get:
Black king - A8
Black knight - B7
White king - B6
White rook - D7
White bishop - C6



Okay, I have the following list of tasks I need to accomplish...

Find an expert - living, dead, or inanimate - on horse riding.
Find an expert on wine
Open Von Salad's windows - WITHOUT using the hammer
Get my hands on the vacuum cleaner
I assume somewhere along the line I'll get a lead on the three other map pieces
Presumably, I'll get Pinocchio and figure out what to ask the Admiral.

I've talked to everyone, and could really use a hint - or three -  on what to do next.

- Cogliostro
"First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Dr. Who


Hi Cogliostro:


The expert on horse riding is someone expert on animals... so go to Dragan the Shepherd and ask him.
For the wine.. just try using hammer on each barrel... you'll find the empty one (supposed to be the best wine)
Then... you need to take the diamond ring from the girl in the restaurant...
I suppose you have the nails... If not, go to the emporium and trade your magnetic fishing rod to obtain nails.
Then go to the director office and, after getting in... use the nails on the coffin (before Director get out).
Now you can get the vacuum cleaner and ... a key (you'll see a cut scene and after you'll have the key for the "Staff only room".
Go in the staff only room and take the attic's keys and a bra.
Then go again in the room 105 (Mrs marble room) take a picture of her with the polaroid.
Go in the restaurant and use The Bra on Bossy ... The young couple start to quarrel... Then use Mrs marble's picture on Bossy again ... and ... you'll see a cutscene. Now you can the take the diamond ring... use that to get into Caesar von salad's room (cutting the glass of the window).


If somebody says they know all the answers, they haven't been asked all the questions.



Talk to the bartender.

- Cogliostro
"First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Dr. Who


Quote from: AprilSkies on Tue 24/12/2013 23:24:04
yeah, but be sure you got the right "age".. You can see a dial  on top left... A.d. Or B.c. ... In the song there are written historical events.. So you have to figure out the right age [\hide]
I am stuck at the same place

I don't have a clue what the different levers and switches do. I don't know what song you are referring to


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