Stuck in Stan Ames

Started by xenogia, Sat 11/02/2006 10:37:56

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I finally got the flat head screwdriver out of the shed in the backyard, but i still cant open the door in basement, or the walk-in robe in the bedroom.  What do i do, I can't seem to do anything at the moment?


I'm still stuck trying to get into shed - I have coathangar but need something else?


Do you have the scissors, they are in the drawer at the entrance of the house.  Use the scissors on the coathanger then use it on the flimsy lock


I tried that but nothing happened - will go try again and then hopefully catch you up.

jane x

jane a pixel hunt around the lamp in the boys room  ;)

jane x


Have managed to open the door in the basement and found 2 more dead people...
i only have the gun in my inventory and have absolutely no idea what to do next ???

Any ideas???


i tried using the flathead screwdriver on the screw, but it just says "It doesn't work"



this is a bit pixel hunt!
But you are on the correct way!!


Definitely a pixel hunt - it took me ages to keep looking at interacting until I found it. Petra I'm stuck the same place as you am going round in circles - am sure its something to do with switches in shed and flickering light :-\



you may be right, but how???
Nothing can be done with the switches.

So I'm walking around and around and around...

I have only figured out that you must not return to the company building..or if you do so...., save before ;)


 Yep I found that out as well! ;D 

Jane x


So we "stupid" girls have to wait for somebody else to give us any hints ::)


Here, the MAN is here to the rescue(don't hit me!)....

You should do the following:

Do another pixel hunt on the hand(I think it's the right one, although I could be wrong) of mr.<insert house owner name here> and you should get a note...

Happy pixel hunting! :D


Wow, as usual, a MAN has saved us ;D

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I expect a favor in return when I get stuck! 8)

Just joking, but if I really get stuck, post if you know how to solve it.


Yep, of course, I will do that.

But I assume you are better than me...cause...I'm  stuck again.....
Nothing to do at the harbour...or should I kill the fishing man??? Habe not tried it so far ;)


One of the better things to do in the game:

Yes, you definetly SHOULD kill the bum(fisherman), but I don't recommend using the gun on yourself ;).



did not expect this....

No I have the fishing rod...

Rather useless item in my inventory
Does not help to open the shed...


Now I'm stuck there, with the fishing rod and the locked shed :-[. Post help!


I would so so if i knew...

You were my last hope ;D

This game seems to be very difficult...but I like it despite all the dead people lying around.....


Quote from: SBsLoVeNiA on Sat 11/02/2006 18:42:32
Now I'm stuck there, with the fishing rod and the locked shed :-[. Post help!


Take a closer look at the shed


the bottom right corner of the shed wall, near the water.


its a green switch. use the rod on it.


thanx I think I can continue on my own from now on :)


Thanks for your help guys,,

but this pixel hunting sucks:-(((

I'm giving up


If everyone would like to play a real brilliant game..

Try Frasse and the peas ..
Made by Rikard...

It's so sweet and without any Pixel hunts!

This is my recommendation for the night...



Hey, pixel hunts aren't that bad, it's just that there's no statusline in Stan Ames, y'now?
That's what makes the experience a little worse than it would be with a statusline.

Oh and I think I'll try the game you suggested.

Good Night, SB


Hi SB,

Maybe you're right, but I don't like games with these annoying pixel hunts..

But Frasse is the highlight of the year ....

Sure you will like it!!!!

And Rikard is an artist:-)))

Kaelem Gaen

Grah!!!!!!!! I think I screwed up...

Okay so I talk to that Scientist dude, and I got abducted, now I'm in the cell and I put the matterress up against the door, but I keep on dying! What did I do wrong?
~ Chaos, panic, disorder...  My work is done here. ~


Im still stuck at the bloody light in the boys, I can't seem to find the hotspot .. What do I do and where is it exactly?


im stuck there too terricMoonborn 8)

Xenogia,you need to look with the look button at the
light and will see the screw..


Yeah I did that, the tiny little grey screw, but I use the flathead and it doesn't work

Kaelem Gaen

You have to look at either the base of the light, or the Light globe twice, it will mention something about a screw, and then you can use the screwdriver to remove it.
~ Chaos, panic, disorder...  My work is done here. ~


I figured out the problem, it was because I was playing it in 320x240 and cause of the pixel hunting it couldnt detect it, i just put it back up to 640x480.


Yeah, I'm stuck and getting killed in the jail room too.  I'm no MacGyver, so I cant figure out how to escape using only a matress.


to get out of jail

use the matrass on the door. Take the leg cot (left against the wall) and use this on de window


Haha I did the part with the matress by myself ;D!



I'm stuck at the beginning.

I can't past guard to get in other area.

Can anyone help?


You don't ned to get past the guard, you need to check the secretaries computer...

Go outside, use the rope on the wall, go over the wall, pick up the small rock and use the rock on the window. Then, go back inside and use the computer...

You get the rope in your office, the bottom drawer.


how exactly are you supposed to use the mattress? and everytime i try to take the cot leg, he just says, what the hell do i want that for, and i have nothing in my inventory


Use/Interact with the Upper left leg! Then, use te leg on the BARS!


don,t you mean the bottom left leg? i can,t even see the upper one. everytime i click on the lower one, he just keeps saying the same thing


In your Point of view you can see two BOTTOM legs and one UPPER leg.
Use the UPPER leg.


and how do you move the mattress???? have been trying but with no success....Another pixel hunt????


ok, i definatly have the right leg, so how come he won,t do anything when i interact with it? he just keeps saying (what the hell do i need the cot leg for?) i have already examined the leg and he says (the leg is screwed on loosly), so why won,t he take it?



Quote from: Rosie on Sun 12/02/2006 16:50:47
and how do you move the mattress???? have been trying but with no success....Another pixel hunt????
yes, i was wondering the same thing, all he says when you click on the mattress is something about his back killing him and their being blood stains on it. so thats two problems now


You have to use/take/interact with this leg:

If it still dosen't work, there's a bug in the game, so load the nearest save game or restart.


I know why that message is displayed:

First, interact with the matress, then use the matress on the door, THEN take the leg, after wich you use the leg on the bars.

Damn, I'm smart 8)!


Quote from: SBsLoVeNiA on Sun 12/02/2006 17:00:43
You have to use/take/interact with this leg:

If it still dosen't work, there's a bug in the game, so load the nearest save game or restart.


I know why that message is displayed:

First, interact with the matress, then use the matress on the door, THEN take the leg, after wich you use the leg on the bars.

Damn, I'm smart 8)!
what part of the mattress do we interact with? i keep clicking all over it but all he says is (thats the most uncomfortable place i have ever slept, my back is killing me)


Ummm, did you interact with the door? After you interact with it, click on the matress and Stan will pick it up.


yes, tried that and still nothing


ditto  guess the ending is not to be


Okay then talk to the door and then pick up the matress


ok got past all that.  Now to get past guard with gun.  Do I have to be faster than him with my gun??????


Yep and you should select the gun(if you have it) in your inv. and use it as fast as possible.


Has anybody already won the shooting?

How many guards do have to be killed?

I always getted killed myself here!


i think there are about 10 guys to kill in the shoot out.

"It's a fairy! She's naked! Curse these low-res graphics!" - Duty and Beyond


Quote from: Mordalles on Sun 12/02/2006 21:03:21
i think there are about 10 guys to kill in the shoot out.

I enjoyed this game until here. The pixel hunt wasn't too bad, but I rather go without it.

I was looking for adventure games with puzzles. If I want to play action games I look for them somewhere else - and I don't look for them at all!
I am no good at that sort of stuff.



I know what you mean tassie, but the shootout is actually not hard. Anyways, you had done the last thing, as the rest after the shootout is just cutscenes. Any other girlies out there who don't like shooting, just give it a go. I'm real crap at it and I managed after dying a coupla times.
Take the road less travelled.... you won't meet so many idiots on the way.


i do sympathise tassie, i,m male but i hate shootouts in adventure games too, its not the reason i play them. if you want a tip, get a pen and a piece of paper handy when you are doing the shootout. that way you can write down where each guy appears, that way you can be ready for them. sounds like a lot i know, but there are only 8 of them. they either pop out from behind the door or either the front or back desk, so thats what i wrote, door, front, back. it worked for me. try it, you never know.


Wow.  :o  I hadn't noticed this forum before.  If anyone is SERIOUSLY stuck, PM me.  ;)


I have to confirm the former postings here..

I have played this game so far til the shoot-out..

But as I'm getting killed by the 7th guard at the latest, cause I'm not quick enough, and I tried for at least 30 times now...
I give up...

I do not like shootings in an adventure game :'(


Well you have to grab the leg and then a really kewl animation happens


ditto   over and out regarding momo's response.  I don't care for these shootout games.  I do not want to be in an arcade game.


hehe, i kinda liked the shoot-out.  :P

"It's a fairy! She's naked! Curse these low-res graphics!" - Duty and Beyond


thx mordalles  ;D Well.Ã,  all I can say is, it is not impossible.Ã,  you just gotta be quick.Ã,  (and dont worry stan ames 2 will be more forgiving as far as the shooting scenes go.Ã,  ;)
(by the way, there are 8 guards, so your almost there)


Quote from: quasar on Mon 13/02/2006 08:48:38
i do sympathise tassie, i,m male but i hate shootouts in adventure games too, its not the reason i play them. if you want a tip, get a pen and a piece of paper handy when you are doing the shootout. that way you can write down where each guy appears, that way you can be ready for them. sounds like a lot i know, but there are only 8 of them. they either pop out from behind the door or either the front or back desk, so thats what i wrote, door, front, back. it worked for me. try it, you never know.

that's how i did it too quasar. i didn't need to write it down but i did remember where they were so the cursor was there already. tassie and momo let us know if you finish it.
Take the road less travelled.... you won't meet so many idiots on the way.





Pixel hunt the misters hand and get a note

And please don't shout, you won't get a bigger response if you do.(I'm not trying to act as a moderator, I just want to contribute my effort to the forum.


I feel like a dumbass for missing the most important tool in a game like this, but, Where IS the gun?


Quote from: rocier on Sat 25/02/2006 02:11:21
I feel like a dumbass for missing the most important tool in a game like this, but, Where IS the gun?

Either in the desk drawer in stans office or towards the end of the game in one of the lockers in the zyltec building

Hope ur havin fun w/the game!Ã,  Ã, ;)


How do I open the basement door?


Quote from: om on Tue 14/03/2006 10:44:24
How do I open the basement door?

check the childrens bedroom.Ã,  maybe a light bulb will appear above your head if you search the bedroom carefully.Ã,  Ã, ;D

an AGS rookie

I have recently played through Stan Ames and i,m a bit curious whether that key you could find near the end is just a red herring or if it actually has some purpose. This is no desperate question, it would simply be fun to know. Didn,t enjoy Stan Ames that much though, the end part reminded me more of a cheap B-movie than an adventure game.


Quote from: an AGS rookie on Thu 23/03/2006 18:05:53
I have recently played through Stan Ames and i,m a bit curious whether that key you could find near the end is just a red herring or if it actually has some purpose. This is no desperate question, it would simply be fun to know. Didn,t enjoy Stan Ames that much though, the end part reminded me more of a cheap B-movie than an adventure game.

Well I'm glad to hear that you didnt enjoy the game!Ã,  ;D

About the small key in the locker at the end, IF you can find a way back to the Wilkinson home after you get the key, but BEFORE you complete the game, youll find a very pleasant (and destructive) surprise in the wardrobe in the room with the fireplace.Ã,  Good luck!!Ã,  ;)

an AGS rookie

(Sigh), i give up. How do you make your way back to Wilkinsonns house after having escaped from your warm, cosy cell?



I am curious as well about how to use this key.

Immediately after the shootout the game goes directly to the credits.  Are we supposed to get the key somehow before being placed in the jail cell?


I've found all of the bodies in the house. Ã, The girl in the kitchen, the couple in the basement, the gardner, the guy upstairs, and the kid. Ã, Got the note from Mr.'s hand. Ã, The photos said he had another daughter, I can't find her. Ã, 
I also can't figure out how to open the cabinet in the living room. Ã, I NEVER ask for help (I consider it cheating) but I can't get that darn cabinet open and I've been at it for three days now. Ã, 


Well I can't open it either so if you find out le t me know please.
All You Need is Love!


Where do i find something to break the glass early in the game??


I think it's either a rock or the gun I'm not sure. The gun is in your office drawer. IIRC


After the explosion, it takes me to the credits. How do I use the last key I found?

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