Adventure Game Studio

AGS Support => Modules, Plugins & Tools => Topic started by: eri0o on Sun 28/02/2021 20:41:44

Title: MODULE: jsonparser 0.1.0
Post by: eri0o on Sun 28/02/2021 20:41:44
jsonparser version 0.1.0
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I recently found a cool unrelated tool that I wanted to add to my workflow, but the tool output was a json file. There's no good object to represent a JSON object in AGS and I was too lazy to make a plugin.
So I made a parser! This is a JSON minimal parser for Adventure Game Studio. It's based on JSMN, which is a C JSON parser that had an easy to read code.

It's not well tested, but I thought to "formally" release it here in case someone had a need that it would be enough for it. I probably need to work on a better demo and write better docs for it too. But hey, first release!


If you wish to handle things more manually, you can use a thiner parser that is also faster:

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String json_string = "{ \"name\":\"John\", \"age\":30, \"car\":null }";
JsonParser* parser = new JsonParser;

int token_count = 8;
JsonToken* t[] = JsonToken.NewArray(token_count);

int r = parser.Parse(json_string, t, token_count);

// now that you have the Tokens, you can use them to parse as you wish!
if (r < 0) Display("Failed to parse JSON: %d\n", r);
if (r < 1 || t[0].type != eJSON_Tok_OBJECT) Display("Object expected\n");

for(int i=0; i<r  ; i++){
  JsonToken* tok = t[i];
  Display(String.Format("%d ; %s ; %d ; %s ; %d ; %d ; %d",
    i, tok.ToString(json_string), tok.size , tok.TypeAsString,  tok.start ,  tok.end ,  tok.parent ));

Display("JSON Parsing has FINISHED for string\n\n%s", json_string);

You can find here an example in-game usage of the parsing (, which may be useful for giving ideas.

This module also packs a more approacheable (but less tested, probably buggy) parser:

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String json_string = ""; json_string = json_string.Append("{\"squadName\":\"Super squad\",\"formed\":2016,\"active\":true,\"members\":[");
json_string = json_string.Append("{\"name\":\"Molecule Man\",\"age\":29,\"secretIdentity\":\"Dan Jukes\",\"powers\":[\"Radiation resistance\",\"Radiation blast\"]},");
json_string = json_string.Append("{\"name\":\"Madam Uppercut\",\"age\":39,\"secretIdentity\":\"Jane Wilson\",\"powers\":[\"Million punch\",\"Super reflexes\"]},");
json_string = json_string.Append("{\"name\":\"Eternal Flame\",\"age\":100,\"secretIdentity\":\"Unknown\",\"powers\":[\"Immortality\",\"Heat Immunity\",\"Interdimensional jump\"]}]}");

MiniJsonParser jp;
jp.Init(json_string); // parse json_string and internally generate the tokens

while(jp.NextToken()) // advance the current token and exit when there are no tokens left
  if(jp.CurrentTokenIsLeaf)  // usually the interesting information is on the leafs
    Display(String.Format("%s: %s", jp.CurrentFullKey, jp.CurrentTokenAsString));

Display("JSON Parsing has FINISHED for string\n\n%s", json_string);

Script API

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int JsonParser.Parse(String json_string, JsonToken *tokens[], int num_tokens)Parses a JSON data string into and array of tokens, each describing a single JSON object. Negative return is a JsonError, otherwise it's the number of used tokens.

You need to preallocate a number of tokens to be used by this method before calling it. Use JsonToken.NewArray(count) to help you.

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void JsonParser.Reset()Marks the parser for reset, useful if you want to use it again with a different file. Reset only actually happens when Parse is called.

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int JsonParser.posoffset in the JSON string

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int JsonParser.toknextnext token to allocate

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int JsonParser.toksupersuperior token node, e.g. parent object or array

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static JsonToken* [] JsonToken.NewArray(int count)Static helper to ease Token Array creation. Ex: JsonToken* t[] = JsonToken.NewArray(token_count);

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String JsonToken.ToString(String json_string)pass the json_string that was parsed and generated this token to recover the string this token refers to

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JsonTokenType JsonToken.typeThe type of the token: object, array, string etc.

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int JsonToken.startThe start position in JSON data string.

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int JsonToken.endThe end position in JSON data string.

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int JsonToken.sizeThe size tells about the direct children of the token, 0 if it's a leaf value, 1 or bigger if it's a key or object/array.

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int JsonToken.parentIf it's a child, is the index position of the parent in the token array.

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readonly attribute String JsonToken.TypeAsStringUtility function for debugging, returns the type of the token in a String format.

- eJSON_Tok_UNDEFINED, a valid token should never have this type.
- eJSON_Tok_OBJECT, an object, it holds keys and values, values can be any other type.
- eJSON_Tok_ARRAY, an array, the token will contain direct ordered children.
- eJSON_Tok_STRING, the token is a string, could be a key, could be a value, context is needed.
- eJSON_Tok_PRIMITIVE, the token is either a number (float or integer), a boolean (true or false) or null.

Used to check parse results.
- eJSON_Error_InsuficientTokens, Not enough tokens were provided. Please use more tokens.
- eJSON_Error_InvalidCharacter, Invalid character inside JSON string.
- eJSON_Error_Partial, The string is not a full JSON packet, more bytes expected.

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void MiniJsonParser.Init(String json_string)Initialize the parser passing a JSON as a string. Common usage is: MiniJsonParser jp; jp.Init(json_string);.

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bool MiniJsonParser.NextToken()Advances to the next token. Returns false if no tokens left.

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readonly attribute String MiniJsonParser.CurrentTokenAsStringThe current token content, as a String.

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readonly attribute JsonTokenType MiniJsonParser.CurrentTokenTypeThe current token type.

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readonly attribute int MiniJsonParser.CurrentTokenSizeThe current token size, 0 if it's a leaf value, 1 or bigger if it's a key or object/array.

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readonly attribute MiniJsonParserState MiniJsonParser.CurrentStateThe current state of our mini parser. Helps understanding the JSON tokens we got when parsing.

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readonly attribute String MiniJsonParser.CurrentFullKeyGets the current dot separated key.

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readonly attribute bool MiniJsonParser.CurrentTokenIsLeafChecks if the state and key type currently are a leaf. True if it's, usually leafs are the interesting tokens we want when parsing.

- eJP_State_START, The parser just started.
- eJP_State_KEY, The current token is key in an object.
- eJP_State_VALUE, The current token is a value in an object.
- eJP_State_ARRVALUE, The current token is a value in an array.
- eJP_State_STOP, Don't parse anything in this state, but the parser is not necessarily done.


This code is made by eri0o and is licensed with MIT LICENSE ( The code on this module is based on Serge's JSMN, which is also MIT licensed and is referenced in the license.
Title: Re: MODULE: jsonparser 0.1.0
Post by: Joseph DiPerla on Mon 01/03/2021 00:49:42
That's pretty cool! Thanks.