20th, 21th & 22th May

Started by Khris, Fri 20/05/2011 17:05:45

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Quote from: Mods on Thu 20/10/2011 15:04:28
November 11th, 2011 - 11/11/11 Day

There is no specific event predicted for this day. Despite it being 11/11/2011, followers of this date are adamant that this is the date they were born to be a part of and that their whole lives of seeing 11:11 synchronicity everywhere will finally culminate into fruition. There is no telling what will happen on this date, but akin to 10/28/11, it should provide some good insights on what will happen leading up to 12/21/12.

People will disappear from the streets, workers will call in sick, students will skip the class, motivation to do anything but sit at home lowers by tenfold.
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.


My prediction for the end of the world is in about 4 and a half billion years when the sun finally expands into a Red Giant and fries the shit out of everything. It will have nothing to do with this Jesus character these people are talking about.
Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


No it's all part of the divine plan


If you're Moammar Gadhafi then the world did end, at least for you anyway.


what is so interesting about November 11th, 2011 - 11/11/11 Day?
there will be 11/11 in 2111 too and this is 2011/11/11. If it were 1111/11/11 it would be more interesting. or the 2222/22/22 ;)


Hhehe, Snake ...

What a colossal display of either arrogance or cowardice! ;)

Either you are so arrogant to think you are destined to become so famous that people will remember you after 4.5 billion years or you are so cowardly that you don't want to be held accountable for you prediction and so put it 4.5 billions years from now when nobody will remember or care.  If you had even a minute bit of courage of your convictions you might have at least shortened it to say a billion years ... but noooooo, you're a big chicken  :=

Besides everyone knows that the earth is destined to be devoured by the giant celestial goat sometime in 2012.  That's why the Mayan calendar ends; why go to all the trouble (i.e. complicated math without a computer) to make a calendar for a pile of goat poop?

LoL  ;D


Apparently on Nov 9th in the US the internet, TV, radio & phone systems will be shut down for 3 minutes at 1pm CST, as part of their Emergency Broadcast test. Have fun Americans! We all saw what happened when Samuel L Jackson tried to momentarily shut down Jurassic Park  :=

"FEMA, FCC Announce Nationwide Test Of The Emergency Alert System"

"The nationwide test will occur on Wednesday, November 9 at 2 p.m. eastern standard time and may last up to three and a half minutes."

"Under the FCC's rules, radio and television broadcasters, cable operators, satellite digital audio radio service providers, direct broadcast satellite service providers and wireline video service providers are required to receive and transmit presidential EAS messages to the public."


The internet and phone part may just be hype.


Quote from: m0ds on Tue 01/11/2011 00:44:18
Apparently on Nov 9th in the US the internet, TV, radio & phone systems will be shut down for 3 minutes at 1pm CST, as part of their Emergency Broadcast test. Have fun Americans!

What? Why am I only just now hearing about this!  :o


Hehe, because you're still hungover from your birthday? :P

You may not know but they're also apparently doing a massive tsunami response test on the 8th or 10th of Nov in the US.

"Exercise Pacific Wave 11 will be held on 9 and 10 November 2011, and will involve multiple scenarios, played out in real time."

As this info was made public the day after NASA released an emergency preparedness video for families of NASA, the general conspiracy angle is a meteor is going to hit the pacific sometime soon. Have fun!  ;D

(In all fairness, it's probably just a mature reaction to the Japan tsunami incident)


3 minute internet shutdown? Remind me not to be playing any online games in permadeath mode.

As for Nov 11, on a UFO conspiracy forum I heard that the Mayan elders will be performing some ceremony with their crystal skulls in Los Angeles.


Personally I'm going for the whole 2012 winter solstice as the human race's first official  with aliens.


QuoteI heard that the Mayan elders will be performing some ceremony with their crystal skulls in Los Angeles.

True! But apparently now we should expect the possibility of an asteroid impact in the Atlantic on 9th November around 11:30pm UT. In which case, no point in playing with crystal skulls ;)

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