January MAGS : The Windmill *Update 16 Jan*

Started by Minimi, Thu 15/01/2004 23:42:36

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-->UPDATE 16/01/04<--
I just drawed+animated the maincharacter of the game, and it seems like it only fits the backgrounds at the resolution 640x400, so I've changed the gamesize to 640x400.
I also added a picture of the the maincharacter, when he is standing.

I'd like to announce my upcoming game, The Windmill, wich is in highly development.

This game is about the good old times of The Netherlands "Holland". You play as a farmer man. You will meet in this game the man of the windmill and the owner of the cheese factory. There are some animated backgrounds, and some puzzles, though not too much. They game is only 6 rooms, though I hope it becomes a nice little game for you!

I won't reveal too much of the story though ;)

The Maincharacter :

Here are some backgrounds of the game, I made. They are handdrawn with a fineliner on paper, then scanned and edited/coloured in photoshop.


Beautiful graphics Minimi.  I like your style.  I think the second graphic could use more in the foreground, but overall very nice.
This signature intentionally left blank.


Thank you Migs. The second background is on purpose abit empty, because otherwise it would be abit too busy... and then both backgrounds had a three at the left on the foreground.

I updated the thread bytheway, and added the character sprite :)


Nice! I wonder why i didn't look in this forum before. heh

Sounds like a fun game-to-be minimi, and I like the style, I think it suits the theme very much. :)
Try Not to Breathe - coming sooner or later!

We may have years, we may have hours, but sooner or later, we push up flowers. - Membrillo, Grim Fandango coroner


Wow, i really want to play this game. Get done!  ;)

I like the main character, but his body seems a bit feminin. I hope you don't mind i just did a 30 seconds edit, just to see how it would look.

Anyway, nice screenies. Looking forward to it.


Thank you, hillbilly! It took me some time to make that character, because im really bad at pixel art... so im not going to change his legs or anything.. but I will lengthen the overall, just as you did, so you can see his breast.

I'm doing my best right now in animating the walking animation... and next week im going to write the dialogs and the puzzles (wich are already planned out ofcourse), and I hope to be finished before 28th of this month ;D


Hey Minimi, cool game! Looking forward to play
a game about Holland :) One thing about the
character sprite; I think the pose is making him
look a bit feminine.

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