My Monkey Island FanGame

Started by FantomeLeCheikh, Fri 23/04/2004 15:42:21

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Whoa, calm it, guys. If you don't have anything worthwhile to say, don't say anything.


Yes, you guys have to stop.

//takes out cane and taps other palm with it...

No more of this nonsence crap. If you've got nothing good to say, don't say shit. He says he'll be out for a while, take his damn word for it and wait.

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


Welll... hello... I'm from Portugal, and i've never heard of ags before reading "The Inventory", a free magazine from! Well... i downloaded que program and yes... a door opened for me! That was what i always wanted to do! But well... the drawing.. you know... the drawing... :'(
Apart from that, i've had an idea for monkey island! Instead of making a game from other games, I had an idea of making a prequel from the first game... Guybrush should start in Australia (I believe that is where his father was from)... he would be cought up in a marcant ship, or something... maybe a sink somewhere... and finishing the game when Guybrush reaches an island, goes to the lighthouse and say: "I want to be a pirate!"... just how he first one starts... How's about that? Well... this story doesnt stop us of making swordfighting... good jokes... and all that Threepwood is known to do! Besides... we have to explain his horror to porcelain... ???
Well, i have to say that I love your artwork... its so good, that the game should be in 800X600!
Good luck for your project... I am able to help you, if its necessary!

P.S.: Spit contest!!!!


Quote from: Blackthorne519 on Thu 20/05/2004 23:04:05

Hollister, I don't go promoting big things without anything to show for it.Ã,  Sorry if I'm a wet blanket, but it's been more than a week, finals don't take that long -

Err I'm doing my 'finals' at the moment, and i've been on study leave for two weeks now and i've done 3 exams so far. Ive got another month of this shit.

To lechuck, this game looks great. Your art's brilliant but i think when you come back to it you should stop doing game posters and work on the f**king gameÃ,  :P

seriously though, make sure you plan the game properly before jumping into things. Then you know adzactly how long the game is going to be and how long it will take.

now off to do english revisionÃ,  ;)


just been reading this topic, and wondered if you guys could tell me where to get monkey island, so i can check out the originals myself.  ::)

cheers people. thanks in advance.


Try ebay, or you could buy the Mega Monkey pack (all 4 MI games in one box) in stores...


Quote from: carolwashy on Fri 28/05/2004 15:25:22
just been reading this topic, and wondered if you guys could tell me where to get monkey island, so i can check out the originals myself.Ã,  ::)

cheers people. thanks in advance.

Escape from Monkey Island is the only one available now, but both games were available for 4.99 before. :(


Looks like LucuasArts is now having a special of the first 4 Monkey Island games for sale in a bundled offer:

Conan: "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!"
Mongol General: "That is good."

Blade of Rage:


Hi! :)
To Fantom, I have a little talent with voices and if you want I could do character voices and voice overs for you. :o


Not to sound rude or anything. But does it seem like Fantom has given up on this game? I hope he hasnt because it looked like a decent game :'(.

Remember God once said never kick a stray dog...............bite it instead!


Looked like a decent game? ALL he had was F@!king posters made!Ã,  It takes more than a picture of a dude to make a game.Ã,  How bout 1,500 animations, or 70 backgrounds?Ã,  Or CODING!Ã,  I mean, it's friggin Monkey Island!  You already have built in audience, characters, development and conflict!!!!!!!!  Of course it sounds decent, it's a MONKEY ISLAND GAME!  Monkey Island games have sold millions of copies!!!
"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon


Well you know what i mean, dont ya? I ment that the art looked good so i presumed that the game art would be good. Shouldn't be quick to presume things, should i? I just reckon he drew them and decided in his mind he was going to make the game but now he can't because it is too much hard work. But id like to see him prove me wrong.

Remember God once said never kick a stray dog...............bite it instead!


Yeah, I may have overreacted.  I was having a bad day.  You ever just rant unmercilously?? 

It's a shame, because the prod. art was very good.  I would have liked to have seen this game come to be, but it's a lot of work, especially for one guy to do.

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon


shame, it was a nice dream. Doesn't look like he's coming bac. It's been over a omonth now with no news. I hope I'm wrong.
Bye bye thankyou I love you.


Was a nice dream, one of the many dreams. Lets just hope he is like Martin Luther King and makes his dream real. I know days like that Blackthorne wen u ran unmercilesly (if thats how u spell it). I bet Fantom is sittin readin these forums,lol.

Remember God once said never kick a stray dog...............bite it instead!


Laughing an cursing in french. DOung french things croissants or something. What is derogatory about the french stereo-type? If he's a fantome can he really make games? Or eat croissants. It makes you think doesn't it. Well it made me think.
Bye bye thankyou I love you.


You never know. Maybe he's actually off doing what we all wanted him to do - making the game! Quite frankly, I'd prefer someone that sat down and just worked on it properly, and didn't rush it, to someone who spent every day posting on forums saying, "Er, I thought up another line of dialogue". The art is very nice and if the game gets made, great. If it's a good game, fantastic! If he doesn't have time to do it properly and decides to abandon it, then that's better than having him rush it and muck it up.


Agreement Kinoko,

I'm going to lock this for now and the owner of the thread can PM if they want it unlocked to update it.

"This must be a good time to live in, since Eric bothers to stay here at all"-CJ also: ACHTUNG FRANZ!

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