BG Blitz | 1/14/05 - 1/28/05 | Superhero Base

Started by jrl2222, Fri 14/01/2005 14:05:48

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THEME: The league of superheroes â€" past their prime.

Create a background to show the secret hideout of superheroes past their prime. The background shouldn't show the heroes themselves but the outdated testing equipment, transportation, or something along those lines.


COLORS: Unlimited

Here are a couple pictures to get you thinking.

These were taken from the Sonic Heroes Commercial


Okay I hope everyone is working hard on a background for this. It has been two days and not even one response to it.


It's definitely the first topic in awhile that has piqued interest.
If inspiration hits, I'll do one...maybe...if inspiration hits, that is.


It could work as a background i suppose, but i wanted to contribute something.


oh yeh and ignore the green triangle thing, that wasn't supposed to show up as an outline.


My very first post (after a couple of years of reading), so here goes nothing...
Insert cliche here  ->         <-


Wow you have been a member for a year now and this is your first post....I am glad I could inspire you to come out of lurking mode. ;)


Lurking?  Possibly.  Sitting, reading, learning.  Definately.

And yes, this particular competition caught my attention.  Your challange sat in the back of my head, and fermented into the piece I've posted.  I'm a little suprised there's not more of a response, half-way through the alotted time.  This forum just has to be jam-packed with vintage comic readers.
Insert cliche here  ->         <-


I think alot of people are worried more about the ATC then this. Oh well the odds are good for both entries so far. 50/50 you can't beat that.



Roses are #FF0000
Violets are #0000FF
All my base
are belong to you




Seleceus. He has made no photoshop (No offence Scuthbert, but I think he has put more effort...)

Ozwalled's is cool, too... But Selectus is new... A way to say "welcome"!
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!



EDIT: and I didn't much like mine. I totally figured everyone would think it was crap.


Indie Boy

I won't use this login.
Try IndieBoy instead

Paper Carnival

I'm not sure what Scuthbert did there, is it a copy/paste work? Did he paint over a picture?

I don't like Seleceus entry (no offense)  mostly because of the carpet, it's gridy

So, I vote for Ozwalled


I think Ozwalled's entry is funny, but I think Seleceus' entry is much more detailed and tidy.  :)

I vote Seleceus. Welcome to the boards, by the way.

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