BG Blitz | 19 Feb - 5 Mar | Unseen location | Ended

Started by Neil Dnuma, Sat 19/02/2005 00:05:38

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Neil Dnuma

This time, it's....

Pick a proffesional adventure game you like (or even one you hate if you prefer), and create a location we never saw in the game! Of course, the background should be made in the same style as the rest of the game, so it would fit in nicely. Still it should make a rather unique location in the game (so stay away from copy+paste!!) If there ever was a great opportunity to learn the style of the masters, then this is it!

Special extra rule: Games made before the age of VGA would be a tad easier, so if you pick one of those, please draw with your left hand (unless you're left-handed of course). :=

The winner (by voting) will recieve a life-time supply of e-mail stamps!

Go go go!

Privateer Puddin'

Shame one of the better (imo) background blitz as of late has gone un noticed, i tried to do something for mi2, but i couldn't get the style down, so i left it :P was gonna be, quite un originally, behind the door :P

Neil Dnuma

Yeah I know... it's hard to imitate those styles, and thus quite time consuming so that might be the reason. I think you had a pretty good start though, and it's by far the best entry so far  ;) So it'd be cool if you continued anyways. Anyone else - feel free to enter, still a few days to go  :)


I will say  that this blitz has not gone unnoticed, by me.  I have just,..err,...,well,...never played a commercial adventure game beyond Myst.   :-[
Insert cliche here  ->         <-


This one is mine. in case you havn't guessed, its inside Tinys house. If you dont know Tiny, he's the used space ship salesbeing from "Space Quest 1"

NOTE: The reason the backround colour leeks through is cuz i made a colour i wanted visable, transparent.Ã,  :'(
†Å"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.†
The Restroom Wall


If i could think of a location then i might draw it... I like FOAs style.. so any ideas? Then again FOA locations are quite detailed, but i would have a go. Preferably somewhere outdoors... i cant think of anywhere...

edit: Found one, sternharts secret room at the back of the temple. The place he runs after stealing the moonstone from indy... Luckily he missed the oriculaneum...
Seeing as I really shouldn't have to get up at such an ungodly hour as 7am, ill put my watch forward by 5 hours to make me feel better...

José Luiz

I liked the topic very much, and I'd love to contribute, but I'm not able to draw...Ã,  :'(

The secret room of Sternheart is a wonderful idea! When playing "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis", I tried many times to open the secret door to see what was behind that. Nothing, unfortunately... Maybe there should be even a brief cutscene showing how could Sternheart find the Knossos labyrinth and why did he died.
But now I think I'm day-dreaming too much...Ã,  ;D
"L'Histoire est un roman qui a été." (Edmond and Jules de Goncourt)


Quote from: DontTreadOnMe on Thu 03/03/2005 20:12:02
edit: Found one, sternharts secret room at the back of the temple. The place he runs after stealing the moonstone from indy... Luckily he missed the oriculaneum...

I'm not sure if there's actually a room back there, I think the secret door leads directly outside. And it's orichalcum, btw :)

I've recently played through FoA, here are two suggestions for unseen rooms, as I'm too lazy to participate myself:
1. Henry's house (it was in Indy3, but what would it look like in Indy4?)
2. The house of the old art dealer on the Azores

Some (boring ones) which just came to my mind:
-the inside of a beduine's tent
-behind the left and middle door at the model of Atlantis


Well... at the moment there is a sketch of a room behind that door. it all depends how you look at it, it never says that there isnt a room there.

Henrys house doesnt strike me as offering anything overly interesting, and I dont think i could link it well with the story (if it werent for a few items to link it into teh story i might not make it clear the room is meant to be from the game, as im not sure if i can emulate the style).

Just to point out that there are rooms behind the other 2 doors above the model of atlantis, and for the ones on the side of the screen, they are all used it just dpeneds which path you choose.

Im sticking with my idea, but im sure you could cover one of the other locations if you wanted.

Thanks - Rich
Seeing as I really shouldn't have to get up at such an ungodly hour as 7am, ill put my watch forward by 5 hours to make me feel better...



Not sure if the right part of the room reads properly. It's supposed to be a desk situated in a about half a meter deep recess.
Looking for a writer

Privateer Puddin'

holy ... i do hope you're working on a game :p


Wow... well i was thinking of entering my half finished atemp at Sternharts secret room, but now ive decided against it. The indy style is very time consuming... every single bloody pixel... I think i will try and finish my background for the practice as its a great style and i'd like to integrate aspects of it into my own. But my entry is unfinished.

loominouse gets my vote for that amazing background(has voting begun yet? or do we leave it till tomorrow?)

Shame fewer people entered, it was a great comp, shame i didnt notice it sooner.

Seeing as I really shouldn't have to get up at such an ungodly hour as 7am, ill put my watch forward by 5 hours to make me feel better...

Indie Boy

Well ive now gave up! I was trying to do BASS in the helicopter and Robert(is it? long time since I played it) knitting his sweater but I wouldn't get it finished in time anyway and it was not at the level as loominous' one.
I won't use this login.
Try IndieBoy instead


It was one heluva sweater. That bit cracked me up where he takes his coat off to change into the radiation suit. It makes the bit about him not wanting to give away his coat make sense. Backgrounds in that were very detailed, like in most comercial games, probably why not many people managed to field entries.

ive decided to show mine so far, in the vain hope people will vote for it...

I will continue with this piece and will probably post it in the critics lounge in a week or so.

Seeing as I really shouldn't have to get up at such an ungodly hour as 7am, ill put my watch forward by 5 hours to make me feel better...

Privateer Puddin'

looks quite good, certainly finish it off :P

José Luiz

It's an amazing work, DontTreadOnMe! Don't forget to post it after finished, please!

(Sometimes I see the drawings you guys make and I ask myself: "What am I doing here???" ;D)
"L'Histoire est un roman qui a été." (Edmond and Jules de Goncourt)

Neil Dnuma

DontTreadOnMe: I look forward to seeing it finished!

Not many participants (I tried to set up a though challenge, and might have been exaggerating), but those who entered did a really good job.

Anyway, it's time to vote!

Mine goes to loominous for a truly magnificent piece which really shows the importance of light.

Darth Mandarb

Loominous' entry is simply magnificent ...

However I'm voting for lo_res_man.  When I saw that I was 12 years old again playing Space Quest on our old IBM 8088 and had somehow found my way into that room ...

It was a nice moment, and I thank you for it.


Loominus, even though lo_res_man's piece was spectacular in its own way.

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