Music Mania: July 1 - July 10

Started by Oz, Fri 01/07/2005 14:42:30

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Jikes! I'm on vacation. Good thing I found a computer hooked up. Everything is very nice here on the swedish west coast. The weather is perfect, and so is the beach and the women. On to the contest...

Captain Jack Skullcrack is looking for a pirate orchestra to play onboard his mighty ship The Mucky Duck. He can't seem to find what he is looking for and is getting increasingly frustrated. After several miserable auditions and several throats cut, the mythical undead quartet The Limping Jackals appear like a sweeping shadow on the deck of the fearful captain's ship. Alerted by his men, a grog-swelling Jack stumbles out of his cabin, sword raised, shouting that he has had enough of tonedeaf sea dogs. As he spots the ghastly Jackals, he stops, rum dripping from his jaw, and as the quartet begins playing a magical piece of music, the stunned captain is struck with awe.

The acoustic bass, warm, crisp and hollow.
The accordion, cutting like a razor through the air.
The organ, clear and vibrant, luring like a whisper in the wind.
The marimba, soft like raindrops.

What song is the Jackals performing for Jack Skullcrack? Your job is to produce a song featuring no additional and no fewerÃ, instruments than the ones mentioned above. You are free to take this in any direction you want (beat, style, tempo, rhythm), as long as it's got that piratey touch.

Take it away men!
Diversity is divine!


Now, this is a great concept. Hopefully I can participate, but I'm not sure.


One question: how would you get an organ on a ship? I mean, aren't they huge things? OK, ghostly magic and all, but it does seem a bit out of place. Or do you mean mouth-organ?


Quote from: SSH on Mon 04/07/2005 10:12:17
One question: how would you get an organ on a ship? I mean, aren't they huge things? OK, ghostly magic and all, but it does seem a bit out of place. Or do you mean mouth-organ?

Yes, how would you get an organ on a ship? The theme for the next puzzle contest.
Diversity is divine!


Here you go!

Ode to LeCapitan

Nice 'n fast entry, I hope you guys like it.
Once again done on my electric piano... Must get SoFtWaRe... So it's rather uneven in certain places.

I tried to get a nice piratey melody, so... Yeah.

I have no idea why it is so soft but I urge you to just turn your volume up.

~The more adventures I go on, the more sand I get in my shoes



So does it have to be midi, or can it be any format?


Quote from: Andail on Wed 06/07/2005 20:15:14
So does it have to be midi, or can it be any format?

Any format goes! I'm back in town now by the way.
Diversity is divine!



Alright! You all did well, but I think Geoffkhan's track stands out from the rest. Awesome rhythm, and the lead melody is jazzy to boot. I love the percussive use of the marimba. This would go into any of the Monkey Island games without a hitch. Great work! So, yeah, the winner is:

Diversity is divine!

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