Tune Contest ( 19 Oct - 27 Oct ) - Climax

Started by DoorKnobHandle, Wed 19/10/2005 21:30:53

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19 Oct - 27 Oct

Concerning last contest...

I didn't yet have a chance to express my thankfulness for picking me as winner for the last contest, and since I have too much time this was the first contest I ever won, I thought I should write a short comment. So here we go:

Nikolas: "So, the winner is..."
He opens the envelope.
Nikolas: "...HKD!"
The crowd stays quiet, everyone looks confused.
Nikolas: "I don't think there's any member in this community that is named 'hkd'."
A guy in a black suit rushes on the stage and whispers something into Nikolas' ear.
Then he disappears again.
Nikolas: "Ah, let me turn around that envelope."
Nikolas: "It's... DKH!"
Everybody cheers...
I come up to the stage and receive the medal from Niklas.
Me: "Thank you so much. I love you, I love you all!"
I fake a tear, turn around and start walking offstage.
Then I fall over a banana peel on the ground and let the medal fall and break.

Concerning NEW contest...

Allright, now that we're done with that, I am ready to throw the new topic at you: Write a piece of music, that expresses a climax. This could be the music for the climax of an action movie or the climax for a porn scene. If you think that porn is immature, you are most likely a virgin and you should stick to the first suggestion ( the action movie ) or make up a new topic with a climax in it.

So let me summarize:

- Write a song.
- Any styles, genres, formats or instruments are fine.
- Keep in mind that the primary criteria when judging will be how good you express that climax.
- The deathline is the 27 Oct - this year.
- What are you waiting for?


Would you be so kind as to correct my name? It's Nikolas and not Niklas.

Anyway this is a very nice idea! I might take part, although I have tons of other music to write!


That didn't happen. ;) Anyways, I changed it.


Thank you!

Well enough with the spam. I'll post my entry, if I finaly have one, here so that Darth or Andail or Farlander won't come to beat me up... ;D


Allright, 2 days left, nobody except Nikolas did show any interest at all. *sigh*

Is anybody working on anything? Nikolas, do you think you get your entry ready in time or do you still plan on entering?

Is the topic not appealing to you? C'mon, just think about writing music that describes for example sex. Let it start slow and relaxed and then build up the tension until the last note, then maybe some relaxed "after it all"-music. :)


I don't know if I have the time, unfortunately right now...
Don't count on me, although there might be surprises... Sorry

Edit: I have nothing. I'm sorry... :(


I had something in mind to send, but it was on my home computer, and since a Hurricane just blew by and the power is down over there, I probably won't be able to meat the deadline, and I don't want to recreate it, because I'm generally lazy.



Allright, the time is over. No entries. I am not exactly sure what to do now, but I'll suggest this:

- I'll encourage everyone that plans on entering to let me know about it.
- Let me know if you want a change of rules or anything, although I can't see what could be wrong with them.
- Then I'll set a new deadline date.

Please be creative and enter!

EDIT: Thanks for your interest though, Nikolas and MillsJROSS.


I'd suggest someone (else) start another competition with another theme.


I don't think that there is anything wrong with the idea. The lcimax idea is fine. For me at least it was personal mess up along with piles of work to do, that kept me from doing it. But actually do wait for a while and see if anyone wants to do something. Otherwise leave it... And let anyone make a new contest? Is this a good idea? I don't know... Anyway.

I really liked the idea of a climax but fucking time was too short. And won't have any time for much more now... :(


Well since noone made anything for various reasons, the most logical thing to do would be to start a new competition, in my opinion.


I don't know. If somebody has any great ideas for new rules, then he/she should go ahead, I guess.

[note to self]: Wow, I can't even lead a tune contest properly... ::)

Pet Terry

I'll start a new one. You can lock this.
<SSH> heavy pettering
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