Sprite Jam 27 March - 2 April: Dead or Alive: WINNER ANNOUNCED

Started by buloght, Mon 27/03/2006 21:35:31

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Topic: Dead Or Alive

How would you illustrate either Life or one of The Four Horsemen (War, Famine, Pestilence, Death) for an adventure game? Could be female or male anyway you choose :) It can even look like previous interpretations (Discworld).

Max Colours: 24 col
Max Res: 140x180

Rule: Must fit IMO ( ;D) easily into an adventure game, that is, any AGS or commercial game of any quality. For example MI games, Aprrentice, Larry Vales, Broken Sword, etc. etc. etc. This is mainly how i'll judge and how much i like it.

I realize something similar has been done a long while back, but it's a bit different: Here is the link:


Yipee! I like kewl topics!

Hot chick on the way hehe...


Do we have to provide all the four horsemen, or is it okay just to do one?

EDIT: You're right, Afflict! Didn't really think about it  ;D



My understanding is that its a single character, that has to fit into an adventure game.
So think main character here... LoL

Well thats my thinking anyway I am sure thats what buloght meant.


Pardon me for this silly question, but um, does the horseman actually have to be riding a horse?  (Horses are hard to draw! ^_^)


Nihilyst: Yes sorry :) I meant only one of them. I didn't make it very clear. So any one of the horsemen. I edited the top post.

MashPotato: They can be on a horse but it is not required at all. When making the topic I didn't imagine anyone would have to draw a horse. Though if you want to, go ahead :)

Try to illustrate any of the mentioned as an adventure game sprite like you would like to see them in a game. Like Discworld did with DEATH.

I hope lots of people enter ... please :)



Just War showing off in his new armor. I forgot the horse though.

100x85 and only 6 colours.

2XÃ,  Ã, 
EDIT: I was only gonna fix the background, but realised the sprite is kind of small. So I ended up making a bigger and - hopefully - a better version of the sprite.


Those are excellent!Ã,  :)

Just let people know: Horses are not required for future participants haha. I sort of am looking for sprites just of the character self mainly, but horses are welcome obivously :) So don't worry about adding them horsies :) I didn't even think of the horsies when thinking up the topic haha. Just have fun. Don't want people to be scared off because of horsesÃ,  ;) Basically I wanted the attention to be on the sprite itself, not the horsies, but obviously they add a lot too :)

Haha, basically i'm saying: the horse won't win it for you haha, the entire thing will, be it just a dude OR a dude on a horse. Haha, I hope I'm being clear  ;D

More entries!



WAR - "And another, a Red Horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from Earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him."

er, i went a bit too big, so I'm posting the big pic, and then a cutted version for the comp.Ã,  :-\

220x330, around 16 colours (guess).

i took insanely long, since i had real trouble trying to draw a convincing horse with a mouse. and not sure about shading.

Edit: i modified the guy on the horse. changed his arm and made his head smaller. also desaturated the whole pic. it was a bit bright.

"It's a fairy! She's naked! Curse these low-res graphics!" - Duty and Beyond


ACHTUNG FRANZ: Enjoy it with copper wine!

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes. - Douglas Adams


~The more adventures I go on, the more sand I get in my shoes


Please, Mordalies, don't say this isn't your entry :)!


yes, but i didnt really follow the instructions. its not really usable in a game, and its too big, so buloght can't really choose me.  ;D

i edited my version. fixed a few things, like the arm and head, and desaturated the whole pic.

"It's a fairy! She's naked! Curse these low-res graphics!" - Duty and Beyond


Entry: Here's Life (she's pregnant, hence the round tummy ^_^):

Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  2x

For fun: And here's Death (a gothy version ^_^):

Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  2x

EDIT: made a couple of changes to the images


Here's my take on pestilence:

1x Ã, Ã,  Ã, 2x

Not perfect, but I'm quite happy with it.

62 x 148, 15 colours.

P.S. First post EVER!! (yay!)


Dammit someone did the chick reaper thing..

Anyway here it is.Ã,  :P


"It's a fairy! She's naked! Curse these low-res graphics!" - Duty and Beyond


Thanks for all the awesome entries :) I may not be around tonight or tomorrow so I'm gonna announce the winner now. It was very tough for me!

Winner: MashPotato

2nd: Mordalles

3rd Relentless

I liked how Mordalles did death as an old skeleton looking feeble. I loved the sprite. I very nearly picked you as the winner. Your horse war one was awesome too.
MashPotato , you had a brilliant idea and an awesome sprite. A pregnant girl as life, that's creative!!!
Krysis, I thought the sprite had cool attitude and simplistic. Awesome skills too.

T-Bag, you were also right up there, and could easily have made in the top three. As I say it was very tough for me!

All the entries ruled. Pesty, i don't know if it was your intention, but you drew just a girl .. sort of that's life, normal. I loved that interpretation.

Thanks :)

Please host a new one soon MashPotato, btw, your graphics reminds me a lot of The Ivy's style with the spiral etc :)

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