Colouring Ball - Let's Go Iso - 16th ~ 23rd August WINNER ANNOUNCED

Started by Illustrious, Thu 16/08/2007 12:40:31

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Welcome to this edition of:

Colouring Ball

Venus (worthy winner of the last Colour Ball) couldn't find time to start a new one so I have had the pleasure of hosting this one! Hope you have fun with it guys and gals!

Maximum of 18+1 colours (use them well! :D) [the +1 indicating the background or transparency)
Outlines must remain recognisable but any modifications are fine!
Although the title is 'Let's Go ISO' it is not a neccessity to make yours isometric, I don't want to discourage entries.
Deadline is 12:00gmt on the 23rd of August



Do the background color count as one, even if I don't use it in the picture?

Edit - Here it is!

space boy

3d pixel house!



and outside




2 entries so far and not alot of time left....
??? was it a theme that just failed to create a spark of creativity for the masses ???

Hope to see at least one more!  ;D



I'm sure no-one would complain about that, I know I would love to see another posted.
(In terms of voting you would have to state a single entry however)  ;D


Here's my ISO-tribute to Escher's Relativity:




My, my, my... that's really good... I'm... :o


I've never done much ISO, but I gave this a try.

6 colors or something.



Still here.


Here's my entry:

It's an iso-version of Moe's Tavern from The Simpson's:


Monkey Entertainment â€" A great little piece of iso, the shadows are well executed but it perhaps lacked a bit of creativity.

Space Boy â€" Great work and it was nice to see how versatile this piece was.

KhrisMUC â€" I loved this piece when I saw it, so creative and well pixeled, the anti-aliasing was done by hand and it really is a well thought out piece.

Evil â€" I really like this piece and the colors are a nice choice, very nice work.

Voh â€" Ahh Lego, I used to love playing with that as a kid! Maybe could have been a less saturated palette but nice work none the less. ‘Keep the iso up'

HolyJack â€" I love the idea behind this sprite, very nice entry.

So the winner is……. KhrisMUC for his creative and very well made ‘Escher's Relativity'
You get this rather 'optimistically gold' looking trophy :D

I'll leave it for you to start the next ‘Colouring Ball'

Well done everyone, a great turnout! ;D


I'll participate more, just, like said before, to boost participation. Also, I enjoyed it :)

And yes, you're right, lego's always bright as sin, but it was 4am ;)
Still here.


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