Coloring Ball: Soda Sales [May 14 – May 28] (WINNER ANNOUNCED)

Started by Twirlly, Wed 14/05/2008 09:15:36

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Sparkle Soda has been facing some serious competition in the soda biz, so they’ve hired a graphic design guru (Yes You!), to help them design the can for their new soda called Fruit Fizz. They want you to create something that will capture the eyes of their consumers in an ad to promote the new drink. Good Luck... Now boost those soda sales.

The Outline:

Although the topic is simple, there is still room for creativity. Maybe each can of pop comes with a small gift attached, like a crazy straw. The can could even be opened in an unconventional way, or perhaps it’s not made from aluminum, but some other material…

The Rules:
*Design the new soda can for Sparkle Soda's new drink, Fruit Fizz
*No color limit
*You can flip and rotate the outline
*You cannot resize the outline unless the original size is shown along with the enlarged version
*The outline can be modified slightly, but must remain recognizable
*Backgrounds are okay
*Yes Fruit Fizz implies alot of color… or else I could have made it orange, cherry, or grape… you get the point. So let me see those beautiful, vibrant colors people.  ;D
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


Sounds cool...reserving this spot.



I would drink this sh..!
Working on a RON game!!!!!


Fruit Fizz, a revolution in taste & look!

Under both eyes there's a special, secret ingredient! Press 'em both to start a chemical process which will give Fruit Fizz its unique, terrific flavour! 
The addiction reaction will move propeller on the top of the can, yay! Chemistry can be fun, kids!

Use it to replace obsolete, unfashionable projectiles...

... with much more silky and aggressive missles!

After the battle, send your minions to collect the cans, and enjoy the smart taste of Fruit Fizz

Look at an enthusiastic, refreshed customer of ours!

Fruit Fizz!

Warning! May harm plumbers, contains E120 and traces of Pinus koraiensis


bic, that is teh awesmoe AD! Made me laugh all day. I put the smart money on SILVER!


And the winner is:


I liked your use of color and the carbonate bubbles rising from the can make it look so wonderfully refreshing and show the true fizziness of the soda. Also, the pattern underneath the can looks like a picnic blanket, which shows customers one of the many places they can drink their Fruit Fizz.

miguel: I liked the use of color, but the naked women, and the bubbles coming from her rear, made me wonder if this drink would be appropriate for kids... or anyone for that matter lol.

bicilotti: Your ad was very well thought out and definitely something different, but the actual can was lacking the color I wanted and was simplistic in design.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


YAY!! I finally won. I will think of a new idea and post it soon.




Twirlly, I think kids would love the design!
"Bubbles coming out from the rear? Wow!", "Dad, can I have a Fruit Fizz? Please?"
"Ok kid, but wait till we get out of the car, son!"

Thanks and congratulations Domino and Bicilotti!
Working on a RON game!!!!!

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