Background Blitz - Nov.7-Nov.21 - vertical scrolling

Started by Geratuza, Fri 07/11/2008 15:08:57

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Create a background that makes a senseful (not only decorational, but functional) use of vertical scrolling.

Screen size/ratio restrictions: 320 x (500+x) or 640 x (1000+x) or 1280 x (2000+x) etc.
(x: Add as many pixels as you want to the heigth.)


Ha, great, I was considering this topic when I was once starting the background blitz  :D


Not an entry, obviously, but just something I thought of when I read the rules.....maybe for inspiration?

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Great topic, for sure! Nice to see something that emphasizes the gameplay aspect of a bg. Once again, I can't promise that I'll enter, but I'll certainly try :D.

Ryan Timothy B

Babar that is a wicked idea for a scrolling background.  I'm glad you showed that to us.  What game is it from?
It's funny how awry the perspective looks as a whole, but once you cover the screen and scroll from the bottom to the top, only showing the portion that would be visible in game, it looks Very impressive.


That BG is the opening screen from Full Throttle, first showing the clouds with the Lucas Arts logo, than slowly scrolling down with Ben as voiceover. It's one of the greatest opening scenes ever.

Trent R

That is truly a wonderful game, and a befitting opening sequence (and if you skip it, you start up in a dumpster).

Babar's post reminded me of this picture:

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