Tune Contest 15 May - 30 May [The Final Bad Guy]

Started by Nikolas, Sat 15/05/2010 19:20:29

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There we go then, the new Tune Contest!

I just hope that this hasn't been done for a while... :-/

The Final Bad Guy Tune

You know the scene. You've run up and down, killed dozens of enemies, eliminated almost everyone, except for the very last bad guy. The monster. The atraucity!

And your job as a composer, is to score a track about that Final Bad Guy! Whatever style, whatever genre, whatever format from AV, AIF, MP3, OGG, MID. whatever length.

It's up to you if you want to compose the entrance to the scene, where the Final Bad Guy gets presented, or the action flick of that. Feel free to explain the situation, depict the Final Bad Guy to us, explain how he's killed the heroes parents, taken over the world, is a scientific experiment gone wrong and so on... Let your imagination run wild, but most importantly...



Oh, YES! I'm going to have so much fun with this! :D Great compo, Nikolas!



"But with a ninja on your face, you live longer!"




!Download! | !Listen on Newgrounds! | !Watch on Youtube! | !Download retro-lovin' version (a.k.a. midi)!

The Destroyer of Worlds has arrived on Earth. Despite all the heroes who challenge him, he cannot be stopped. Imagine that every warmer, "nicer" bit of the song is another of Earth's heroes trying to bring down the massive intergalactic planet devourer. But no matter how they try, they are eventually killed and our little blue-green planet is obliterated and the Destroyer of Worlds moves on to yet another celestial object to consume.

I think there was a Marvel villain that ate planets and fought the Fantastic Four, but I cannot remember his name...

I hope you guys like it! :D

EDIT: Oh, there we go, he was called Galactus!

Other info:

* Created with Guitar Pro 5
* Scales used: C Minor for the most part and a little bit of F Minor.
* Guitar tunings: Drop C.
* Times used: 4/4 and a bit of 3/4


The mood in that song is very well done. I can imagine everything very well and it feels very mighty and oppressive.
The little riff at 0:57 reminded me a lot of A New Level by Pantera.
But I think that your songs would sound a lot better if you would just use a normal midi format. The synthesized Guitar Pro 5 guitars sound strange. Midi songs sound also a lot more videogamelike in my opinion.  ;)

By the way, my song is pretty much finished, but I am still a bit unsure if I add a little bit or not. It drives me insane.


MMMorshew, thanks a lot for the kind words :).

I kind of like the GP 5 RSE instruments in favour of the midi ones in heavy metal because it has more... well... heaviness! I'm going for all-out hairy balls to the wall and the midi guitars sound like small, squishy grapes against a fluffy bunny; not exactly what I need.

And yes, that riff is reminiscent of A New Level, mostly because of the way it starts and because of the fact that it abuses kind of the same note.

Let's take a look at it! :D

Quote from: A New Level by Pantera
Code: ags

A ||--0-1-2-0-1-2-3-0-|-1-2-3-4-6-6-6-6--||
D ||--0-1-2-0-1-2-3-0-|-1-2-3-4-6-6-6-6--||

Quote from: Destroyer of Worlds by Yours Truly
Code: ags

G ||--0-1-2-0-3-0-0-2-|-0-0-1-0-2-0-3--||
C ||--0-1-2-0-3-0-0-2-|-0-0-1-0-2-0-3--||

G ||--0-1-2-0-3-0-0-2-|-0-0-1-0-2-0-1--||
C ||--0-1-2-0-3-0-0-2-|-0-0-1-0-2-0-1--||

As can be seen, while sounding different, they are constructed in a similar, yet different fashion, thus being fundamentally not the same, while retaining the identical feeling...

...and I have no idea why I'm doing this instead of working on the chain story...

...anyhoo... *vanishes*


Here we goooo!  ;D


I love midis, so I made one.  ;)
I didn`t want to make it sound extremely creepy or aggressive, but rather sneaky. The bad guy I imagined was always calm and polite, which you are supposed to hear in the calm part in the middle of the song, but whenever you turn your back he attacks you and reveals his true nature, which you can hear at the second half.

Also, the song is full of pizzicato strings, mainly because I thought that this instrument fits the melodies and the mood of the song very well.  ;)
I like how it turned out. Let me hear some critics.  ;)


You guys are awesome! ^_^

Shiver: You're talking about Galactus, right? ;)

Cool entries!

Bring more! YAY!


Great song, MMMorshew, I like the overall sneaky feeling of the song.

Quote from: MMMorshew on Thu 20/05/2010 07:22:15I like how it turned out. Let me hear some critics.  ;)

Well, it kind of feels too repetitive to me... For the two minutes, you kind of use the same formula, you just add in more stuff. Other than that, I like hearing cymbals and hi-hats on drums, but I guess that would put too much accent on percussion, and it would ruin the overall thievery and mischievous  feeling.

But honestly, it's a very good song in its own right, and I'm just being nitpicky 'cos you wanted some critics :D.

Quote from: Nikolas on Thu 20/05/2010 21:36:06You guys are awesome! ^_^

Shiver: You're talking about Galactus, right? ;)

Cool entries!

Thanks a lot, Nikolas, and yes, I am talking about Galactus, as I wrote in my post :).

EDIT: Also, MMMorshew, I added in my original post the link to download the midi version, especially for you :D

EDIT2: Smiley attack!


Can we use previously done track? As if not posted on a game yet, but previously worked on? Also great entries so far all!
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)


Well, here's my entry.  I was inspired by ShiverMeSideways' entry to the last tune contest, where he tried his hand at chamber music.  Accordingly, this is the first time I've ever tried my hand at symphonic rock, so please don't laugh too hard. :P  Unfortunately, it turned out more like a simplistic classical piece with too much brass, poor orchestration, some ninth chords and a drumbeat.  Oh well...here goes anyway:

End of the Line

I don't have any particular "final bad guy" in mind, but I would imagine that this would fit the final battle with an evil mastermind in some sort of spy game.  The middle section (starts out with mostly drums) is supposed to represent the actual fighting.  At the very end, where the music pauses on the "nice" Bb major chord, the protagonist thinks he has won, and the battle is over.  But as he exits stage right, you hear the final chords, and you see a faint sign of life from the bad guy, ensuring that he is alive to fight another day and pad the game publisher's pockets with another surefire hit sequel.


Great entry, Viking! :) It kind of reminds me of Team Fortress 2 and that type of music... It could work in a whacky sort of final confrontation. While not being particularly scary, it has a lot of charm.

Quote from: Viking on Sat 22/05/2010 05:21:51Well, here's my entry.  I was inspired by ShiverMeSideways' entry to the last tune contest, where he tried his hand at chamber music.

I am incredibly flattered... :)


Viking, this is so awesome. Not very boss-like actually, but it would fit for a good atmospheric platformer. It reminds me that scene from Art Of Theft where Trilby has to escape the Company's headquarters.


Dual: Yes you can... Either way we wouldn't know, would we?

Everyone: Can I enter, please? Off competition of course...


Quote from: Nikolas on Sun 23/05/2010 17:07:44
Dual: Yes you can... Either way we wouldn't know, would we?

Everyone: Can I enter, please? Off competition of course...

Sure, do enter!!!

The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal

Imagine being in a very unfriendly planet, knowing that in every corner lies the danger of the most deadlier being in the universe. You are in its lair, traversing through stenchful mountains of corpses, carrying your towel as your only way out of here.
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)


Duals: a very nice, ambiental and creepy tune! :D

Nikolas: yes, please, how could anyone mind?


Here my 'entry' then: BAD

It's not exactly an ultra mean character entry, but a very action like entry for the ultimate bad guy.

-Be careful, it's addictive and it loops (non perfectly, since it's an mp3)-



It is TOUGH.


I wrote it in a higher key and with midi drums because I thought it sounds more video gamey that way.


Is it just me, or is this entry horribly broken?

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