Coloring Ball : After doomsday [Winner announced]

Started by Darkdan, Thu 08/12/2011 13:51:16

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The theme : anything you can find in the world after doomsday usable in an AGS game.

The shape :

You are allowed to rotate the shape, color the outline and use as many colors as you like.

Ends 20 december 2011



After doomsday I suppose nearly everything to be contaminated by nuclear wars or alien attacks. So everybody should carry something to check water for contagion.
This is a very useful tool. You insert a drop of water into the sensor and you'll be told immediately if it is clear, contaminated or even radioactive. Plus it has a bottle opener attached to it and you can carry it around your neck as a necklace.



Playing an AGS-game in the world after doomsday
  I'd like to find an item like this

... and hopefully solve the puzzle succesfully.

      x 2




I vote for Tabata, because it reminds me of Wall-e a bit and I'd love to solve that puzzle.


Of course my vote goes to Tabata, too. This little piece of art is totally inspiring! :-)


Huh? Only two participants for such an interesting theme?  :o

Adrian did a good entry and gladly he gets my vote for this indeed very usefull and well thought out tool.

On the other side we both will get one of Darkdans nice trophies for sure ...



Tabata is the winner with her great poetic item and congrats to Adrian for his nice survival kit  :)

Next Coloring Ball is yours, Tabata.


    for the votes and compliments
and a special thank you for the nice theme (including a cool trophy) to Darkdan!    :-*

I'll try to come up with the next shape asap to keep those busy who want to   ;D

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