Coloring Ball - Twisted Siamese Twins (WINNER - 2014-06)

Started by arj0n, Fri 13/06/2014 17:07:41

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Coloring Ball:
Twisted Siamese Twins

Alright, the new Coloring Ball has arrived.

Use the shape below to create a Siamese Twin. But wait, this one comes with a twist:
One of them is a ugly hideous deformed/misshapen person while the other is quite normal looking.


Feel free to:
flip and/or rotate the shape in anyway.
use as many colors as you want
color the outline

Please do not:
Alter the outline shape (except for changing the color)

Entries should be submitted by June 28th.


The Throphies:

And as bonus for their awesome entries,
for all 7 contestant the:
Twisted Twins 'CGA Bonus Edition' Trophy

The entries so far:
(chronol. order)

guess which one isn't normal
by HourGlassGames

Stop playing with my telescopic eye, bro!
by AprilSkies

What the heck
by jwalt

Wall-crawling, sea-creature-befriending, colour-changing superhero 'James'
by Ghost

Two dogs connected by the tail trying on their owners shoes
by Bulbapuck

I neeeed to pee! Do you mind opening the zipper?
by Tabata

The TinTin/Barney twins
by Intense Degree


I shall go and watch Freaked! again. Just so you know what your deceptively innocent theme caused in terms of repercussions.


incalculable repercussions causing awesome CB entries... I like that.



Knocked this one out quickly

Can you guess which one isn't normal


Fist entry, nice.

Quote from: HourGlassGames
Can you guess which one isn't normal
Tough one, the yellow one seems to suffer from icterus but the green one from chlorosis... :)


So come on you masters of art, just one entry so far?

Take a look again at that poor shape and help it out it's transparent misery :-D






Only 2 entries yet? 8-0

Alright! I hereby summon all the twisted twins powers to let the following list of
recent CB contributers create their awesome entry for this CB within this week.  :-*

Ghost ~ Babar ~ bicilotti ~ Tabata ~ Baron ~ Misj' ~ jwalt  ~ Cassiebsg ~ Gurok  ~ Hobo ~ CitizenParagon ~ Mandle~ Adeel ~ siliconangel


I'm really moved that you remembered me, Arj0n. I'll try coming up with something. :)


Someone is doing the summonings! Must... make... sprites...
(after shift!)


unfortunately, I can't see anything in that shape... :(
However, it does seem to be consensus that the "perfect" guy in on the left of the picture and the "green blob" guy is on the right...
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sun 22/06/2014 21:59:00
unfortunately, I can't see anything in that shape... :(
However, it does seem to be consensus that the "perfect" guy in on the left of the picture and the "green blob" guy is on the right...

I didn't see much, either, and what I did see missed Arjon's criteria, but what the heck:


Since the Monkey can fly, thanks to the Macaw, we have a Flying Monkey. Everybody knows they're evil. Alternatively, mayby the Macaw pooped on your car. I'm at a loss, but at least it gets Arjon off my back.


Ow shoot   :(

Thanx to jwalts comment (below) I re-read my introtext and noticed a mistake.
Quote from: jwalt on Sun 22/06/2014 23:09:06
I didn't see much, either, and what I did see missed Arjon's criteria, but what the heck:

In the initial text I used being instead of person but somehow I changed it before posting the final text:
"One of them is a ugly hideous deformed/misshapen being while the other is quite normal looking."
So what I actually meant was human or animal or even a weird mix, from realistic-ish to say, mythical.

I am willing to change the existing criteria but, I'm not sure if that's conform the rules.
And fair to aprilskies since he submitted an entry already. At the other hand, that green bro doesn't look that much 'human' to me ;)

Any comment please on this?



  If you look up the definition of the word "being" it can mean human being.


Quote from: jwalt on Sun 22/06/2014 23:09:06
I didn't see much, either, and what I did see missed Arjon's criteria, but what the heck:
What? What is that? Who are you? That isn't 3D!
The ultimate Professional Amateur

Now, with his very own game: Alien Time Zone


Quote from: kconan on Mon 23/06/2014 07:02:10
  If you look up the definition of the word "being" it can mean human being.
Or animals.

Being: something that exists, is conscious and has mortal existence; life.
so at least 'humans' and 'animals'.


Anyway... the GREEN strange one is always on the right (laugh)


John Doe was a musician. A marathon man. A painter. Also a plumber AND a great dancer. Occasionally he moonlighted as the wall-crawling, sea-creature-befriending, colour-changing superhero "James".
People often asked how he managed to juggle that many careers.

John never told them about the DEAL*.


* Cthulhu was pleased.

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