Background Blitz - Coverart edition - until 21st of September *Trophies added*

Started by selmiak, Mon 25/08/2014 01:16:42

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This Competition is about drawing a coverartwork for a game in about 3 weeks. And to make it fun, draw a coverart piece for one of the misheard gametitles.

Bonuspoints if you emulate the font of the original game title.

It doesn't have to be AGS compatible as this is no gamebackground, but make it DVD cover compatible and fitting for the misheard title, not the original title.
There is nothing stopping you from adding your own misheard title(s) to the thread.

In the end you can grab one of these shiny trophies


I really like the theme ... but erm; it's not really a call for background art, is it?


My take on the blitzes is that they are very good for art practise in a set timeframe and the competition part of it is a fun way to see what the other artists hanging around here are up to and how you are doing compared to them and sometimes the blitzes are the cold water way to get a reality check on oneself.
Okay, the word background in the thread/competition/activity title is not that well suited, but all in all it is game-art, and who says a gamecover can't be a background taken from a game or who says a gamecover can't be pixeled in 16 colors? Yeah, who says that?!
And even better, there are less rules, there don't have to be defined walkable areas and the like, just let your imagination flow, fueled by the wicked misheard gametitles.


I actually think this theme is awesome! I'd love to try to do some cover art.
But, alas, there's just not enough time!


So I polished the 3 trophies that are up for grab and added them to the first post.
Maybe you can get one of these just by painting something funny. There is still 1 week left, if you had some ideas or even already started, get crunching!


yes, the trophy is indeed an ear that mishears gametitles, just blank boxes would be lame, don't you think?!
If noone enters I'll paint something zugly in ms paint on sunday, enter my freaking own contest threadamathong and grab all these nice trophies (that might be modeled after scarlett johansson's ear or maybe not) in one go and come up with an even lessmore challenging theme  :-D 8-)
an noone will beat me to it :-D :~( (laugh)


Quote from: Fitz on Thu 29/05/2014 17:23:56
Cow Nurse Trike

no ms paint but a quickie in PS...

depicted events may or may not be based on actual events or living persons

So i celebratory declare my self the winner. Also second winner and third! And thirtythird too.

*runs off with all precious trophies*

Now I shall start another BG Blitz. OH, wait, I already did! Have fun! ;-D



Sorry, selmiak...I started a cover, but life got complicated in the past few weeks! I'll try to get in on the next one!


@lasca: Absolutely, I worked real hard for this!
@Eric: Cool, I'm looking forward to seeing your entry, I hope the theme ignites your imagination.

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