Fortnightly Writing Competition - CONCRETE POETRY: FESTIVE EDITION (Winner!)

Started by Sinitrena, Sun 29/11/2015 17:21:44

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Text: It is what it is by Sane Co. What could it be?
Shape: It is what it is by Sane Co. Is it a bird. Is it a plane?
Correlation: It is what it is by Sane Co. No, it's art!

Thanks for voting for my entry Selmiak... yeah it seems like some kind of scary serial killer letter now when I think about it. :D
But it is supposed to have a different meaning. 8-)



Quote from: selmiak on Wed 16/12/2015 19:16:54
*covertly hands over the secretly agreed upon bribe*

Quote from: Ibispi on Wed 16/12/2015 21:42:41
it is supposed to have a different meaning. 8-)
Fuck you, Bogdan. I'd rather die than smile!

qptain Nemo


Text: Sane Co.
Shape: selmiak
Correlation: selmiak

Quote from: selmiak on Wed 16/12/2015 19:16:54
ppl, vote for baron or so, I have no idea how to host a writing competition and the silver trophy looks like a mix between a panda and a cute dog... :P

Ha ha!  I actually prefer participating rather than hosting, so it's all on you!  Just to make sure the burden fell on your shoulders instead of mine I was going to give you all my votes, but I found Sane Co.'s text too thought provoking not to vote for. 



Alright, that's it for this round.
This time, we had an impressive number of voters, thanks everyone.

On fourth place, we have Ibispi with 2 points. It oesn't seem like many votes for you, but I quite enjoyed your entry. It's not very festive, for sure, but you certainly found a shape that fit well with your text. It's easy to recognize the two faces and see their emotions.

On third place with 5 points is Sane Co. I love your text. It's thought provoking, as Baron says, and well-thought-out. I'm not sure what your shape is supposed to read: "RT" is obvious but is there a letter in front of this? An "A" maybe or an "N" (Though I have no idea what NRT could mean, which, incidentally would fit well with the meaning of the text, but ART fits even better). What I don't like so much, is that a large chunck of your text is easy to miss because it's just the frame for the letters while the place where the text is clustered is always the same line, albeit an important one.

Baron recieves the cute mixture between a panda and a dog (thanks, selmiak, although I really don't see it ;)) for his second place with 8 points. Your entry is certainly more focussed on art then text. As a matter of fact, I think removing the text wouldn't hurt the overall impression at all. Because of this, I'm not even sure I would considere it "concrete poetry", but then again, the defenitions of this kind of poetry are not exactly cut and dry. I like your entry as a picture.

Our unanimous winner is selmiak with 15 points. Your entry is, without a doubt, pleasing to the eye and the text is a nice little piece of poetry. It took me a while to figure out what your shape is supposed to be and even now I'm not completely sure. It reminded me of these kinds of wreaths but as far as I'm concerned, it could also be something more abstract. Therefore, I can't really comment on how well text and shape fit together. Still, the overall impression of your piece is beautiful.

Thank you all for your entries and votes.

Selmiak, it's your turn!


Quote from: Sinitrena on Mon 21/12/2015 13:21:52
It took me a while to figure out what your shape is supposed to be and even now I'm not completely sure. It reminded me of these kinds of wreaths but as far as I'm concerned, it could also be something more abstract. Therefore, I can't really comment on how well text and shape fit together.

It's a light bulb, linking the text of trying to think of an idea with the concept of the 'Idea Bulb'

And congrats to the three who placed! I'll be looking forward to the next round!


Thanks Sinitrena for hosting this, thanks a lot for all your votes, thanks for looking at my picture and liking it :)
JudasFM is correct, it is supposed to be exactly that idea bulb.

I'll open a new writing competition thread sometime tonight. 14 days should be enough for a fortnight writing competition, right? And it should also be enough to get you over the holidays and give you some motivation to write something over the holidays after you feasted on everything in reach and are mostly unable to move.



Quote from: Sinitrena on Sun 29/11/2015 17:21:44
And because we're in the festive season, it should have something to do with this: a snowflake, a christmas tree, a candle, etc. - it's up to you.

To be honest, it took me forever to find this particular rule in the first post after I only realised that this was supposed to be Christmas-based/Holiday-season-based from the thread title, which had initially confused me when looking at the entries...

I would suggest that, in the future, if you are going to have such a theme that it should be mentioned right at the start of the first post instead of buried somewhere in a paragraph near the end. I don't think participants and viewers understood the "festive" theme...

Not that it mattered really as we got a load of beautiful entries nonetheless (also: it might have been also what confused you about the shape of the lightbulb and made you think it was some kind of wreath)...But just a heads-up on layout...

I'm not trying to be snarky either. It was a great contest and I will furthermore agree that selmiak could totally sell that poster! It is truely beautiful!


Now that you mention it, I see the light bulb and the whole thing makes so much more sense. :-[

And Mandle, you're probably right, it was easy to miss that this was supposed to be a festive topic. Sorry.;-D


Congrats, selmiak! A well deserved victory!

For what it is worth, selmiak's entry follows the festive edition rule too. Why? Because light bulbs are also used to decorate Christmas trees.


Now that you mention it, I totally overlooked that bit :P
But fear not, the new writing competition is totally not about Christmas.

reworking this poster thingy in 3D is totally on my list ;-D


Light bulb?!?  I thought it was getting all the votes because it looked like a round-bottomed woman bending over:


Congrats anyway, selmiak.  I look forward to the next competition. :)


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