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Topics - AGA

Site & Forum Reports / New AGS site release
Sun 19/01/2025 00:03:56
I am planning to put the long-awaited new AGS site live on the evening of Saturday, 25th January; this will likely take a few hours.  While the main site will completely change, the forums and wiki should continue to look and operate as they usually do.

This thread will be here for you to report any issues noticed after the site is up again!
We managed to reboot Mittens this year, after a long Covid-induced hiatus.  Great fun as it was, it was a relatively small group, so I thought maybe we should start planning earlier for 2025 to see if we can get some more interest!

The US - given every third Mittens tends to be there - and Japan were floated as potential destinations.

Speaking for me and @tampie85, this would need to be during the school summer holidays (21/07 - 01/09).  We would also aim to bring our son along with us again, as we did to Mittens 2024.

Does anyone else have any particular interest in any destination, limitations on availability, etc etc?  The more we know about everyone's requirements, the better we can hope to address them all!

Tagging repeat and recent attendees!
@2ma2 @abstauber @Andail @Baron @bicilotti @cat @Chrille @Creed Malay @Darth Mandarb @Dave Gilbert @ddq @Disco @DoorKnobHandle @DutchMarco @edmundito @Esseb @FruitTree @Goldmund @Grundislav @Helm @Igor Hardy @jetxl @KANDYMAN-IAC @Kira @Layabout @LimpingFish @MachineElf @magintz @Matt Frith @Matt Goble @Miez @MillsJROSS @Monsieur OUXX @Mr Jake @MrColossal @Nacho @Pesty @Pet Terry @Privateer Puddin' @Pumaman @Quintaros @Radiant @scotch @Scummbuddy @Sinitrena @Snarky @Sylpher @The Ivy @tzachs @Wiggy @yamipanda
The last Mittens was in 2019; we had one organised for 2020, but it was cancelled due to Covid.  Since then we haven't been able to organise one succesfully, so let's try again!

Does anyone have any suggested locations?  The last one was meant to be in The Cotswolds, England.

Also when?  @tampie85  and I have a school aged child, so would prefer this be during the summer holiday (23rd Jul - 2nd Sep).

There's also the question of said child.  Does anyone have a strong opinion on whether or not children should be allowed to attend?  Our son is very well behaved, a good sleeper, so unlikely to be much of a bother!  We could look into alternative accommodation nearby if it's a definite no though.

Tagging in previous Mittens attendees @2ma2 @abstauber @Adamski @Andail @arj0n @bicilotti @cat @Chrille @Creed Malay @Darth Mandarb @Dave Gilbert @ddq @Disco @DoorKnobHandle @edmundito @Esseb @Nacho @Finkenstein @FruitTree @Goldmund @Grundislav @Helm @Jake @JanetC @Jet @KANDYMAN-IAC @Kevbot @Kira @lackey @Layabout @LimpingFish @MachineElf @magintz @Matt Goble @Miez @MillsJROSS @Monsieur OUXX @MrColossal @noavana @Pesty @Pet Terry @Privateer Puddin' @Pumaman @Quintaros @Radiant @raeff @Renegade Implementor @scotch @Scummbuddy @SeventhBard @Sinitrena @Snarky @Sylpher @Matt Frith @tzachs @violetnotpurple @viporizer @Wiggy @yamipanda

Interested Parties
  • AGA
  • Creamy
  • Disco
  • Matt Frith
  • Privateer Puddin'
  • scotch
  • Snarky (unavailable 7–10 August)
  • tampie85

Just to make you all aware, there is a new version of the SMF software our forums use (v2.1).  It's built on a whole new architecture, and comes with a load of new features by default.

However, it will not support the current forums theme out of the box.  As such, we plan to work on a new forum theme to tie in with the new website design.  It would be great to have help from at least a few of you when the time comes, to help test and iron out any glitches or inconsistency in the design, before it eventually goes live.

So in short, this forum theme's days are numbered, look forward to a new design in the medium term!
Please post here for any issues with games page entries, e.g. dead links, broken images, etc.
Engine Development / AGS Project Tracker info
Fri 03/04/2020 11:36:21
I know GitHub is now used for tracking bugs and feature requests, but until now the info from the old AGS equivalent was no longer available (the forums plugin we used is no longer compatible).

I've put together a way of accessing these issues here: (and if you're interested).  Probably worth someone eventually going through these and identifying those that should be imported to GitHub.

If someone can identify those issues that should be ported to GitHub, I can export the raw data to make it easier to import on the other end.
Mittens 2020 will be from Friday 03 - Friday 10 July at Pitchers, Chipping Campden, England.

It's about time we thought about planning this year's Mittens.

As Mittens 2018 was in the US and 2019 in Australia, it was agreed that this year should probably be in Europe.  I thought it might be good to have one last easy-for-Europeans-to-visit Mittens in the UK before the iron Brexit curtain comes down at the end of 2020.  It also will have been 18 years since the last UK Mittens (Mittens #1 in Laleham!), so probably about time for another one!  Tamara and I are booked up later in the year, so would prefer to have this at some point in July.

Given so many people only ever visit London when they come to the UK, I thought it might be nice to see some of the scenery we have to offer.  A few options that spring to mind:

AreaNearest Sizeable airportNearest Distance from London
Lake DistrictManchester / Liverpool5 hours / 280mi
Peak DistrictManchester / Liverpool3 hours / 150mi
CotswoldsBristol / London2 hours / 70mi

All are in/around a National Park, or Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, with varying degrees of hills/mountains, farmland, forests, and quaint little villages with cobbled streets.  The Cotswolds would probably be the most accessible option overall, given its relative closeness to London and its airports (and the M4 motorway that leads to London).  It could also give us a chance to make daytrips to interesting places like Salisbury (with Stonehenge nearby), or Bath.  I've had a quick look, and there are plenty of rental properties available to match all sizes of group in all areas, from little cottages up to old manor houses.  And of course, being the modern day, Wi-Fi is available in most.

So, any interest?

Confirmed Attendees

  • AGA
  • Creamy
  • Disco
  • Esseb
  • Igor
  • Igor's +1
  • Matt Frith
  • Privateer Puddin'
  • Snarky
  • tampie85
(10 / 10)
Reality-on-the-Norm / Change of server
Sat 23/11/2019 15:46:41
Peder has asked me to start hosting the RoN site on the AGS server, as he's winding up his AGS related activities.  Could whoever controls the domain please send me a PM so I can discuss the details?
Mittens 2019 will be at this place near Cairns, Australia, from 05 - 12 October!

It's that time of year again!

At last Mittens it seems there was more interest than ever in doing it in Australia. No time or location in mind yet, but would enough people be interested?

CJ's +1
Privateer Puddin'

Attending, not staying

Quintaros' +1
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