Looking for old version of games (III Spy, for example)

Started by Kara Jo Kalinowski, Tue 17/12/2024 22:31:43

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Kara Jo Kalinowski

Have these been archived somewhere? I want a version of III Spy that will run in windows 98. Possibly others that I have missed.


I fixed the link on the database entry page for III Spy. It now links to the archive, which is generally a good place to look for older games. The RON site also holds the games, often in multiple versions.

Kara Jo Kalinowski

Thanks, though, there isn't anything wrong per say with the modern version, just it was released in 2017 and I plan on playing them on my old computer.

ROTN site's download page only had the new version

Kara Jo Kalinowski

It was a lot of work but I finally got all of the games downloaded. Would there be interest in me posting a .zip of them on dropbox or something to save people time who would want to download them in bulk?


Kara Jo Kalinowski

The archive.org version of The Repossessor v1 is missing a sprite file, does anyone have a working version?


Both the old and the updated version can be downloaded from here. I played them a few months ago and did not encounter any problem.

Kara Jo Kalinowski

Quote from: heltenjon on Mon 23/12/2024 01:30:09Both the old and the updated version can be downloaded from here. I played them a few months ago and did not encounter any problem.

Oh, I did not see the link on the main page, thanks.

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