Technical issues with old games in windows 98 (Monty on the Norm)

Started by Kara Jo Kalinowski, Tue 24/12/2024 22:29:20

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Kara Jo Kalinowski

I am having technical issues with some of these old games in Windows 98. Trying to run the DOS versions of the games in windows mode is giving me an error about a sprite file missing, or not enough memory, and trying to run it in DOS is crashing the game. Up until now, when I have had a game refuse to run like this, there has been another version that still ran, or tweaking the settings got it to run, but not this one.

The best I have been able to get with this particular game (Monty on the Norm) running in DOSBox, however, I cannot confirm if this game is supposed to have music, because if so, it's not playing it.

Video of the error:

Kara Jo Kalinowski

Actually, around this era starting with the next game, even the windows versions of the game are starting to have muffled music, I don't know why they aren't playing nice with my actual era PC but I may have to start recording them on modern hardware.

Edit: I'm going to use XP for the windows games, since it seems the games run much smoother on XP, but I'd like to run the DOS games on a system that can run actual DOS.

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